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2021, June 6th, 9:47






Once again, Felix woke up to the unfamiliarity of not being woken up by a obnoxiously loud alarm or a sister. It still always caught him off guard, be he tried to ignore it. It's been maybe a week or two, but one day since he learned so much. Learning things about something that started in his brain, now being forced to stay, well almost forced. I mean, he kinda, scratch that, he did tell them that he didn't care about keeping his soul. What was he supposed to do now, you might be thinking?

  Enjoying the time he had left with his nightmare 'boyfriends'.

  After he changed into a white hoodie and jeans, he decided to roam the place, since Jeongin did say it was made for him. Turning towards the Study Hall, he headed right instead of the side of the Hall. Taking another right, he heard some music playing in another room over.

  The door revealed an arcade, and a very confused Hyunjin. Said male didn't bother looking up, as he already knew who it was.

  "How the hell does someone play a game like this? It's not even fun." He murmured, before looking up at Felix, who started giggling. "What?"

  "Pac Man isn't a good game for beginners, plus, the setting was on master. Maybe you should turn in down to novice?" The Uiqai huffed at the human, changing the setting immediately, and trying again.

  "I knew that. I wanted to try something more difficult." He defended suspiciously, playfully crossing his arms. Felix purred sarcastically, nodding his head in an amused way. It was silent as Hyunjin failed a few more times. "Y'KNOW WHAT!!! SCREW THIS GAME!!!" He raged, stomping towards the VR game.

  "That game is doing parkour on high building in Virtual Reality."






Later that day, 1:48 pm

  Almost dying, Felix's eyes were watering. Hyunjin was pouting, leaning on the wall, while Felix was on the floor laughing his ass off.

  "Yo--you suck at skeeball-" The human tried to make it seem mean but it was only very playful. On the other hand, the Uiqai's eyes were a vibrant pink, probably showing an amused emotion, but he was, terribly, acting like he was upset. "H--how can you get-" He cut himself off with his own laughter, "one-- one hundred points!?"

  "I've never played before okay?!" He mocked back, turning his back to the other. A few minutes later, omwhen Felix calmed down, they had to go to the Study Hall. Felix really did want to go, and would much rather stay with Hyunjin, but he couldn't.

  Jisung met him with a smile, pulling a chair out for Felix. The two sat down together and began the lengthy Korean lesson for the day, learning some common phrases and honorifics.

  "We're all your hyungs." Jisung said proudly, pointing to the word on the table. "It is showing respect to elders. So anyone older than you should be called hyung. It's rude if you don't unless said person is okay with it."

  Felix replied boredly, clearly uninterested, "Alright."

Just a Bad Dream [] SKZ x FelixWhere stories live. Discover now