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2022, May 21st, 5:30 pm






By the time Felix woke up, it was almost time for the school to close. He easily got up, ignoring the pain in his head. He noticed the nurse had left, so he hurried out the door. Getting home by 5:37, he was greeted by his lovely parents.

  "Lee Felix! Where the hell have you been? You left your friends waiting for three hours." Felix laughed sulkingly, knowing they would've called him first. His laughs came to an abrupt stop when they were being dead serious.

  "W--who's waiting here again?" He questioned, a small stutter in his words. "I don't remember-"

  "It's only Kai, Beomgyu, Soobin, Yeonjun, and Taehyun." A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he went into the living room where they were waiting.

  "Why didn't you guys say you were coming over!"

  Soobin shrugged, "We heard you got sick and had to miss the days classes so we wanted to check up on you. On that note," he paused, getting up from his seat, he hugged Felix with Yeonjun, "How are you Lix?" He asked sweetly, a mockingly happy smile on his face.

  "I'm fine right now," he paused, cautiously looking at the five, then sighing. "You guys need help on your homework, don't you?"

  "Yes..." The all groaned back in reply, earning another sigh from Felix.

  "You guys are so lucky I'm a junior and I know this stuff already." Felix took the five upstairs to his room. They all scattered out onto their normal studying seats, Beomgyu on the end of the bed, Kai against the wall, Soobin on his desk, Taehyun next to Kai, and Yeonjun right next to Felix.

"How the bloody hell did you get twenty one point eight?" Felix questioned, pointing at the test he was handed by Kai, biting his lip.

  The youngest shrugged a shameless smile on his face, "No idea, I just wrote down random numbers." Felix facepalmed, sighing.

  "Kai, if you don't try then, OBVIOUSLY YOU WOULD FAIL YOUR TEST!!!" The older scolded, throwing an extra pencil at him, hitting him directly in the shoulder. He let out a small, playful whine, dramatically grabbing his arm like he was bleeding out.






8:48 pm
Two Hours Later

  "Alright, you guys going to stay for dinner?" Felix asked, closing his History textbook. The five nodded, stuffing their journals and books in their backpacks. Beomgyu ran off first, looking so irritated with studying.

  "Yeah, my parents don't expect me home til ten anyways, plus Soobin is taking me and Yeonjun home." Taehyun said, wrapping an arm around the oldest. Soobin patted his head before heading down the stairs where Beomgyu was talking to Felix's mother. Taehyun and Kai took their usual seats at the dinning table, while Yeonjun helped Mrs. Lee put the food on the table. Soobin just started a conversation with Mr. Lee.

  The six of them always were the greatest friends, but they all were terrible with their grades so Felix eventually agreed to help them study, bringing them to be more like brothers.

  Beomgyu always loved talking to his mother, knowing that his mother is always at work, over all he enjoyed speaking to his sibling and parents, though his studies seem to be okay, he wants to get better at Biology.

  The youngest Huening Kai never tried much on his studies, his attention never stayed too long on things. That's why Felix tries to make tutoring as fun as possible to help him pay attention and learn all of the English stuff he needs to know.

  Soobin struggles a lot in Math, but his strong suit is Korean, as he and the other four lived there for a few years then moved to Australia, their parents being absolute best friends. Both being Juniors, they help eachother out in their weak spots, also helping the younger ones.

  Like Soobin, Taehyun is terrible at math, but he also isn't the best at Chemistry and Biology, but it isn't like he tries. He honestly just wants to graduate but Soobin and Yeonjun insists on making him pass his classes.

  Now, Yeonjun is in the middle at all of the above, though he is like the hype man of the group, his own personal problems never concerned him as much as his friends did. English was definitely his weak spot, just like Kai. Slowly but not so surely, he is improving everyday.

  "Beomgyu, you can go sit down. Felix will you go get your sister, Rachel isn't here though. She's out with her boyfriend."


Unknown POV:

  The intense blackness shown on the camera indicated that they weren't taken out of the backpack. Each one of the men on the room was frozen, waiting forvthe second to see Felix's face again. A small growl escaped their leader's lips.

  "What the hell is Felix doing?" A gray haired male said in clear frustration, his voice q "It's been three hours since he opened his backpack." He slammed his strong hand onto the table, bending the table slightly.

  "Maybe he's with TxT," their code name for Felix's friends,"and they are staying the nigh again?" A blonde suggested, sounding much more kind.

  "Possibly, but Chan hyung, calm down. We don't need to replace this table yet. We created it yesterday y'know." Another man pitched in, rather dryly, a bored expression not leaving his face. His fiddled with his white hair, eyes not blinking at all.

  One smirked, his eyes dark and his hair blonde. "Why don't Seungmin and I go check up on him tonight? He might be sick."

  "Don't do anything stupid or I won't hesitate to snap your neck." The first one barked. The other quiet ones watched the screen, ignoring the others completely, too busy having hope continue to glow in their eyes. Literally glow, as their eyes were glowing a pretty grayish white color.

  "Yes sir~" the dark eyed one teased, waving him off and disappearing into thin air with Seungmin. "Bye now!"

Just a Bad Dream [] SKZ x FelixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz