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2021, July 5th, 6:19 pm






  Confusion was one of main emotions Felix felt when he woke up. It wasn't particularly normal for all seven of the boys to be in someone's room when he woke up. Quickly, he sat up, feeling scared and small due to their intimidating presences. Pressure suddenly hit Felix throat, and he gasped, losing most of the air he needed.

  "Haven't we already told you leaving isn't an option?" Chan asked harshly, his eyes deeming the color of blood. The boy's head was forced to the head wooden part of the bed. "Why would you even want to leave?"

  Hyunjin seemed to be the one making the force happen, as it loosened with he made eye contact with said man. But hastily it regained its strength as Hyunuin's eye became a deeper crimson. Though his eye were red, his composure was calm and poised, unlike Changbin and Seungmin was were activly showing their frustration with glares and scoffs, also small inpatient gestures.

  Felix began to tear up as all of the men watched the boy perish. Feeling like an eternity later, the force stopped, realizing Felix was on the brink of passing out. The boy coughed, gasping for air.

   "W--what the hell!" He choked, tears falling onto the bed. "I don't even remember what happened!" Chan rolled his eyes, looking at Minho, who was clearly focusing on something near or on Felix. Blinking, the memories crashed on him like a train. Coughing one more time before he choked in some air before breaking the silence, "How was I supposed to know that wanting to leave would actually make me leave?!"

  "So... you wanted to leave?" Jeongin confirmed, his eyes a mix of red and blue. He was almost in tears, yet just about ready to snap someone's neck. "Why- why did you want to leave?"

  Felix glared up at him, shaking his head slightly. "I missed my family, I didn't actually want to leave then!"

  Hyunjin finally snapped, instantly next to the boy, the force beginning again, much stronger that time. "Then?! THEN?! Your saying you want to leave now?!"

  "Hyunjin hyung! Calm down." Jeongin said, approaching the raging male, but stopped in his tracks, when the older shot him a deadly glare.

  "Leaving is, and will never EVER be an opinion, Felix. And guess what, neither will freedom. I hope you realize we spent centuries looking for the right one. And you are the right one so your soul is binded with us. Only if we each have a part of your soul, will you become one of us. So you better be lucky we didn't do that to you yet." With those very stern words, he disappeared, teleporting Jeongin and Seungmin with him.

  Panting, he stared at the cloth on the bed, thinking about someway to get out the situation he was in. His mind flipped to the rule Chan gave him when he first came.

'And lastly, if you want something, just ask us, unless we're mad. Then just go hide in someone's room. Though there is still a big chance you'll get found, it better to get away from us when we're mad'

  "Shit..." The boy murmured silently, grasping the bedsheets tightly. He continued to stay in position he was in. Recalling all of information he received from reading about Uiqais, in his mind, he was already dead meat.

  What he didn't know is that the others left the room, needing to blow off some steam. Finally the boy looked up scanning the room. He sighed in relief, and laid back on the bed.

  "How is this my fault? I didn't know wanting to do somethin-" He cut himself off immediately thinking about the stuff he could maybe get from this power he had. "Hm... I want a micraphone." In the empty space if his room, a mic and a stand appeared. The boy gasped, his face cleared. "Y'know what, I like this place. And I also want a speaker so I can try to break some Uiqais' ear drums." A huge speak showered itself next to the micraphone. The boy smirked to himself having the urge to just.

  "I want speakers in every room and I want it to constantly play Rick roll."

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