Drama, Drama, & More Drama.

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Justin's POV
He's back. I thought he was dead. How's he back?! I tried my hardest to gain confidence and gaze up at him. But I probably looked like a sad puppy.

He looked down at me and chuckled deeply. "Justin, Justin, Justin what am I going to do with you? Now if you're here, I'm guessing that whore you call your mother is also here."

My body started to shake he can call me whatever he wants, but to say that about my mommy. I didn't even know what that word meant, but the way he said it told me it wasn't anything good. "My mommy is not a w-whore." I was proud of myself until I tried to pronounce that foreign word..

"Ah, my innocent little Justin. Still doesn't know when to shut up." After he said that I felt a sharp, hard blow to my head. I was still standing, but everything was dizzy. He went into his pocket and brought out a knife. Coming closer and closer to me, I let out a scream. The loudest one I could possibly muster.

Autumn's POV
I was standing in the hospital room reading a magazine when all I heard was Justin's loud scream. Apparently Pattie heard it too. Her eyes widened and her breathing was becoming harsher.

I ran out and tried to find him. My stomach dropped, all I seen was Justin lying on the ground blood dripping from his skull and stomach. The man standing there had a dark smirk on his face. "Would this be Justin's little girlfriend?" He mocked.

"Yes, that would be me. Now who the fuck are you?" I growled. The man's demeanor immediately changed. I guess no one's ever talked to him like that before..

He slammed his hand on the wall as hard as he could. He didn't seem mad anymore, just defeated. "J didn't tell you who I was?"

Autistic (in the process of revision) Where stories live. Discover now