"I don't know..."

Sam and Karina looked at each other, drowning in thoughts mixed with confusion. Lanie said something that cleared their minds quickly, "I mean, just so I could come to her?"

Karina faced Lanie and asked, "What did you say?"

"She wanted me to come to her."

Sam walked closer to her, "No, how'd she say it?"

"'Come to me-- like a million times."

Sam and Karina's realization comes upon them. They looked at each other, sharing their thoughts together. Sam faced Lanie, "Lanie, that's not your mother."

They walked out of the bedroom, Sam continued to talk to Lanie. "Listen to me. Don't answer the phone. Don't use the computer. Don't do anything unless I say so, all right?"

Sam and Karina climbed down the steps of the stairs. They both saw Lanie standing by the doorway to the other room. Karina called her name before she turned to them and asked.

"Where's Simon?"

The haunting question to Sam and Karina, they both looked at each other in unison. They all marched down the steps of the stairs. They walked down the footpath while Karina ordered Sam. "Sam, call Dean. Tell him what we have. I'll find Simon, I'll return back to you." Karina threw the keys to Sam, then Sam ran to the car. Drove fast to the motel, calling Dean.

Karina walked quickly around the neighborhood, trying to find Simon. Her head was turning to different sidewalks, different driveways, and different streets. When she turned to the corner of the street, she saw Simon. He was walking across the street with cars blaring through.


She ran fast to him, knowing that he was in the trance. She kept yelling his name repeatedly as she ran toward the street. He was too far away. Suddenly, there was a yellow truck heading toward an inch of him. She kept running, her feet were too sore with every step.

She kept the trunk and Simon back and forth as she ran across from him. Tension was flooding through her body. The truck was blaring its horn, and tires were screening to stop. Simon, himself was awake. Holding his hand up as he looked at the truck coming at him.

Upon that moment, Karina rushed across the street. She grabbed and dived for the verge. The truck was almost through on them. They lay on their backs on the ground, the truck roared past through on the street. Karina checked on Simon, seeing no injuries on him.

"Are you okay?" He nodded, and she picked him up. His arms wrapped around her neck in fear as she carried him. She walked away from the scene, "Let's go to your sister."

Sam was still driving when he gave a call on the phone, "Dean, it's not Dad."

"Then what is it?"

"A crocotta."

"Is that a sandwich?"

"Some kind of scavenger-- mimics loved ones, whispers, "come to me", then lures you into the dark and swallows your soul."

"Crocotta-- right. Damn, that makes sense."

"Dean, look. I'm sorry, man. I know--"

"Hey, don't these things live in filth?"


"Sam, the flies at the phone company."

Sam hung up on the call and began dialing Karina's number on the cell. He put his phone on his ear, hearing two rings. "Sam."

"Karina, are you okay?"

"Simon's safe, thank goodness. Did you get to Dean?"

"Yeah, yeah. I told him. Look, the crocotta is in the phone company. Remember the B.O.? You were right about that."

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