Start from the beginning


After the mission was accomplished, the night fell closer to the full moon for the thunder crashes in the parking lot. There was Dean walking his way to the motel room alone. When suddenly, the lights in the surrounding areas were flickering. Dean stopped for a moment to check the surroundings in front, beside, and behind, they were clear.

With one more sideways look, he saw the shadow of Ruby standing in front of him. Arms crossed and staring at him. He walked toward her, "So the devil may care after all. Is that what I'm supposed to believe?"

She stepped out of the shadows, "I don't believe in the devil."

He continued to walk toward her, "Wacky night. So, let me get this straight. You were human once. You died, went to Hell, and became a..."


She turned her back on Dean and took a few steps forward. He asked her from behind, "How long ago?"

"Back when the plague was big."

He walked toward her, "So all of them... every damn demon-- they were all human once?"

Ruby turned around and answered, "Everyone I've ever met."

"Well, they sure don't act like it."

"Most of them have forgotten what it means... or even that they were. That's what happens when you go to Hell, Dean. That's what Hell is--forgetting what you are."

"Philosophy lesson from the demon. I'll pass, thanks."

"It's not philosophy. It's not a metaphor. There's a real fire in the pit, agonies you can't even imagine."

"No, I saw Hellraiser. I get the gist."

Ruby turned back around, "Actually they got that pretty close, except for all the custom leather." Dean nodded slightly, but then he was thinking about one thing. Ruby clearly read his mind as she returned her eyes to Dean. "The answer is yes, by the way."


"Yes, the same thing will happen to you. It might take centuries, but sooner or later, Hell will burn away your humanity. Every hell-bound soul, everyone turns into something else. Turns you into us, so yeah-- yeah, you can count on it."

Dean read Ruby's face as he looked down in thoughts. After everything Sam and Karina told him about the demon in front of him, he asked her one more thing. He looked into her eyes and asked.

"There's no way of saving me from the pit and saving Karina's soul, is there?"

Ruby sighed as she answered truthfully. "No."

Dean nodded slightly. He knew deep down that Ruby was entirely different from Karina. Even though, there will be secrets that weren't aware of. She never lied to Sam and Dean. Not once.

He walked toward her, "Why'd you tell Sam you could?"

"So he would talk to me. You Winchesters can be pretty bigoted, I needed something to help him get past the-"

"The demon thing? It's pretty hard to get past."

Ruby chuckled, "Look at you... trying to be all stoic." Dean rolled his eyes, "My god, it's heartbreaking."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"I need your help."

"Help with what?"

"With Sam. The way you stuck that demon tonight. It was pretty tough. Sam's almost there, but not quite. You need to help me get him ready, for life without you and the Huntress. To fight this war on his own..."

Ruby turned her back, leaving Dean looking in the distance. He asked her one more thing, "Ruby... Why do you want us to win?"

She turned around, looking at Dean. "Isn't it obvious? I'm not like them... I don't know why. I wish I was, but I'm not." Ruby looked down, "I remember what it's like."

"What what's like?"

Ruby's eyes looked at Dean, "Being human."

Dean Winchester looked down, lost in his thoughts. When he looked up, Ruby had disappeared into thin air. Dean was alone in the parking lot as the thunder crashed. He looked up at the sky before walking to the motel room to go to sleep.

As the thunder crashes, the shadow silhouette of the person. Lurking from the shadows behind a tree. The person was panting heavily into the angry growl. The black waves of a ponytail put aside the left shoulder of the black leather jacket. Revealing Karina Leone, the Huntress. She had listened to every word of the conversation, and all she had thought about... was the rage that was firing.

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