From her back, she was holding her blade lifting the rabbit's foot through the circle of the chain.

Bela was shocked at Karina's moves so quickly. Karina continued on, "You think you're the only woman in the world who has stinky fingers? Please. Come on, Milo!"

The cat meowed from the counter, running to Karina's arms. Bela's eyes were still in shock following the cat's steps. Karina lifted Milo in her arms, putting away her knives. She was petting it as the blade was pointing at Dean. Letting him grab it from the blade into his hands.

Milo was purring at Karina's touch. Bela was glaring at Dean and Karina.

"I really don't care about the money or anything. I only care about getting this sweet, lovely cat named Milo back to his family. Sincerely, Crazy Psychotic Cold-blood Bitch."

"If it's any consolation, we both think you're a truly awful person."

Bela fired at Dean, and she missed it completely. Dean was guarding Karina behind his back. She fired again, the bullet ricocheting around breaking objects around, hitting straight to Oujia board. Karina was running away toward the hallway, excited about the front door.

She winked at Bela as she smiled, waving Milo's paw to her. Milo meowed for Karina.

Dean laughed, waving the foot to Bela. He made his way to the door. Bela fired her gun again at Dean's form. Bullet again ricochets around, destroying more objects. Bela ducked away from the bullet and then recovered back to stand.

Seeing Dean and Karina escape. "See ya!!" Bela sighed in frustration.


While Karina was returning Milo back to the family as promised, she also informed to get higher security for the thief. Also, she spread the name to them... no money guarantee. Dean was at the motel, getting Sam out of interrogation... with weird hunters who belonged to Gordon's help.

Hunter was aiming his gun at Sam's head. Dean entered the motel room just in time. Aiming his gun at the hunter, seeing Sam taped on the chair with bruises and water on his face.

"No. No destiny. Just a rabbit's foot."

Two hunters turned their backs, looking at Dean who was holding a gun to them. Hunter with a gun on Sam warned him. "Put the gun down, son, or you're gonna be scraping your brain off the wall."

Dean waved his gun, pointing out. "Oh, this thing?"

"Yeah, that thing."

"Okay, but you see there's something about me that you don't know."

He put down his gun on the table beside. Picked up a pen by it, looking at the hunters. Smirking.

Hunter approached Dean with the gun. "Yeah? What would that be?"

"It's my lucky day."

Dean tossed the pen toward the hunter. It easily lodged itself in the barrel of the gun. Sam looked shockingly impressed. He looked at Sam and laughed. "Oh my God. Did you see that shot?!?"

Another hunter rushed to Dean, only he just avoided his action so simple. Practically threw himself against the wall behind Dean. He fell backward, hitting the floor. Knocked out.

"I'm amazing."

Hunter started at the pen in the barrel, trying to dislodge it by pulling it out quickly. Dean picked up the television remote from the table. He threw it hard on his face, who was about to aim the gun at him. The remote hit him between the eyes, knocking him out cold. Dropped his body to the floor.

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