Chapter 26

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"Come on Jai ! We have to win...", Ayesha cheered for him while the others looked on.
The ball bounced on the table to land right on the cup on the other side.

He gestured Zafar to drink from the cup. Ayesha put on a smug face seeing her team clearly winning. Zafar gave her a forced smile before chugging the drink.

"There's no way you guys are winning..", Ayesha said.

"We can.. If we throw in 3 balls in a row perfectly.", Zafar replied, smirking.

"Kabir.. my boy. Let's show them what we have got!", Zafar put his arm around Kabir's shoulder, whose face looked visibly confused.

The others looked at them suspiciously as they stepped aside to have a serious pep talk.
"Is he really good at this?? What are they planning?", Diya whispered to Jai.

"No way.. They are just bluffing.", Jai replied, smiling, confident about this.

"Diya.. you are playing really good! That ball you threw, bounced right on the table and landed on the cup perfectly..", Nikhil said, smiling weirdly.

"Thank you for explaining how the game works.", Jai replied, sarcastically.

"Thank you Nikhil..", Diya said, politely before glaring at Shreya.

"Done with your masterplan??", Jai raised his eyebrows seeing the other two walk back towards the table.

"We don't disclose our team secrets..", Zafar replied, nonchalantly. He patted Kabir's shoulder and they looked into each other's eyes.

Kabir rolled up his shirt's sleeves and his pupils looked dilated. They all wondered what Zafar even told him. He looked as if Zafar pumped in a whole load of motivation inside his body.

Two balls landed in two cups simultaneously, making the other side drop into silence.
"Just one more, Kabir!! Focus...", Zafar clenched his fist tightly with excitement.

Dipika smiled widely while Ayesha crossed her fingers hoping the third one doesn't land anywhere near those cups.

Kabir drew in a deep breath before taking the last ball in his hand. Zafar closed his eyes tightly as the ball bounced on the table.
He heard Dipika give out a shriek of excitement. He quickly opened his eyes to see that the ball landed on the third cup.

"We Won!!!", Zafar rushed into Kabir's arms instantly.

"How did that even happen??", Ayesha looked on in disbelief.

"True love exists..", Jai replied looking at Zafar kiss Kabir on the cheeks.

"Come on.. Now start drinking it..", Zafar gave out a fake villian laughter looking at her.
Ayesha rolled her eyes in return. She hated losing, not to him particularly.

"It is Diya's turn to drink..", Shreya said.

"Yeah.. But..", Jai was cut off, seeing Nikhil chugging all the drinks from the cups, one by one.
He wasn't even stopping to breathe.

"Woah.. Slow down.", Zafar warned him.

In a blink of an eye, Nikhil was done with it. He rested the last cup on the table and walked towards Diya.
"I knew that you didn't drink..", He said, winking at her.
She looked at him, in bewilderment. His smile made her skin crawl.

"What was that?", Ayesha whispered to Zafar.

"Demonstration of how not to hit on a girl..", Zafar whispered back.

"I think we should go and eat something now..", Jai suggested, to avoid seeing anymore of this show.

She mouthed a thanks to him, as everyone followed them out to the dining area.

"Quit following me.. Ayesha.", Zafar said.

"This is my house.. I can go anywhere I want.", Ayesha replied.

"Well.. there are a looottt of others in this house right now. So go and play the host..", Zafar said, pushing her towards the other direction so that he can continue with his investigation on his own.

Jai sat across the table to avoid any sort of attention from the others. Shreya smiled at him, as he gestured her to sit. Nikhil pulled out the chair, next to Diya.

She shot a death glare to Shreya, who quickly found an excuse.
"Nikhil.. why don't you sit down here in my place? I have to talk to Diya.."

Nikhil nodded, pushing the chair back inside and moving to her seat next to Jai.
Shreya mouthed a Sorry to her, switching the seat.
"Don't you ever try matchmaking again!", Diya whisper-shouted to her bestfriend.

"Sorry.. guys. I will just have dinner with my friends.", Nikhil said, getting up from his chair. He could sense the energy in the room. She wasn't interested, nor were the others.

Diya looked at Jai ,in relief. Now the chair beside her was empty.

Zafar looked around the table, wrapping his head around the whole seating arrangement. Two chairs empty, 6 occupied.
One was reserved next to him, for Ayesha.

He decided to start this game. It was bound to be fun now.
"Shreya.. why don't you go back to your old seat now?", Zafar said, smiling devilishly.

"Ohh.. Fine.", She agreed, going back to the other side.

"Kabir... come. I will take a nice picture of yours.", Zafar suggested.

Kabir handed over his phone to Zafar, who mindlessly clicked here and there on the screen without taking a picture.

"Why don't you go and sit next to Diya? The lighting is better on that side..", Zafar said, casually. His eyes drifted silently to Jai's countenance as he said that.
Yes, there was visible confusion.
Uneasiness. Was it jealousy?

Kabir got up from his seat, next to Dipika. He pulled back the chair next to Diya. And before he could process it, the chair was pushed back inside with , double the force.

"Go outside.. If you want to take a picture. The lighting is much much better there..", Jai said, rather loudly.

He pulled out the chair casually, seating himself next to her. He aligned the chair much closer to hers.

"That was rather loud, Jayanti..", Zafar said, fighting hard to suppress his victorious smile.

It was confirmed. There was actually something cooking between the two.

"Should we go out then??", Kabir asked.

"For what?", Zafar asked, sitting down.

"For the picture??", Kabir said, raising his eyebrows.

"Nah.. Just sit down.", Zafar said, sipping some water.


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