Chapter 8

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"This looks okayish..", Diya said, observing Dipika's long purple dress.

"Naahh... purple's just not your colour.", Shreya was straight up honest.

Dipika rolled her eyes and walked back into her closet. She picked out another dress to try out.

"Taa daa!!", She twirled around in the new red dress which reached upto her knees. The off-shoulder look and the deep neckline looked perfect on her.

"Woahh ", Diya exclaimed.

"Sexy sexy gurl", Shreya laughed.

"I have to shave now.. otherwise I will look like some bear. ", Dipika looked into the mirror.

"Why do we have to shave? Eww. This looks perfect, Deeps. Don't shave because some dude told you that boys like girls with no hair..", Shreya was annoyed.

"World is so unfair..", Diya painted her nails with the nail polish that was lying around in  Dipika's makeup table.

"Use fair and lovely then..", Shreya replied.

"Shrey.. your jokes are just......", their banter was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hi.. Aunty.", Shreya stood up from the floor.

"Hello.. Aunty.", Diya said, biting into the biscuit that Dipika's mom brought in a tray.

"Have some chai first.. before continuing your discussion.", Deepti kept the tray on the table.

Her eyes roamed around the entire room which was now occupied by the girls for their hangout night.

"Dipika.. what are you wearing????", her eyes almost popped out.

Shreya supressed her laughter, " A dress?"

"Hai Ram ! Girls these days have no shame..
Are you planning on wearing this and going outside?? That will never happen while I am still alive and breathing in this house!",

Deepti examined her daughter from head to toe. Only certain images from English movies flashed into her mind. She imagined someone kissing her daughter wearing that dress.. NO! She was horrified beyond anything.

"Remove... remove that dress now. I will give that dress to that Leela's daughter downstairs.. remove it now.", Deepti moved closer to take that dress off her.

"What? Maa.. she is 10 years old.", Dipika protested.

"Exactly! This will fit her better.", She was adamant.

"This is expensive! I spent 12k from my salary on this..", Dipika replied, dumbfounding her mother.

"What? You did what?
12,000 rupees on this? Kids, nowadays are making paper planes with money.. I can't believe. You should have put this money as an offering in a temple, atleast you would have got some blessings!", Deepti replied, zipping down the dress.

"Go and remove it..", She pushed her into the bathroom.

"Ohh how are you, beta?? ", Deepti acted as if nothing happened.

"Good.. Aunty.", Diya replied.

"I was planning on calling your mother soon... I found a few good matches for you on that matrimony site.", Deepti targeted Diya for her next matchmaking venture.

"No.. Aunty. I am not planning on getting married anytime soon..", Diya attempted to destory her attack.

"Why, beta?  See... you have to get through this someday. Amit got married last week. How long will you roam around like this?...", Deepti's counter attack game was on point.

Amit got married. MARRIED..
Was she actually going to die alone?
Ex-fiance got married to the love of his life.
Was it so hard to move on? To trust someone completely to spent your whole life with?
It felt like an arrow suddenly pierced her body. She stared blankly into her eyes. There was no reply.. no comeback... as there was an 80 percent chance of her remaining single forever..
Shreya noticed that Diya was becoming noticeablely uncomfortable.

"Call my mother then.. I have been waiting to get married since forever..", Shreya changed the topic.

"But Diya beta... I have all kinds of suitable boys for you.. doctor, engineer, sarkaari naukari.. all from respectable families.", Deepti was solely focused on Diya.

"Maa.. just go downstairs. Here's the dress. I am not going to wear now. Now.. go and rest comfortably.", Dipika shoved the dress into her hand, before opening the door.

"Sorryy..", Dipika looked at Diya as her mother went downstairs.

"You know how she is... Forget about everything that just happened from the moment she entered this room.
And why are we still talking about this Amit Kumar. He doesn't deserve a second in your mind, Diya.. such a loser!", Shreya hugged her tightly.

"Let's eat something!!!", Dipika picked out her phone.

"Yesss!! There is this new pizza place.. lets order from there.", Diya said.
   Food was her religion.

"Let's finish it up quick.. we have office tomorrow!", Shreya sat down.

Office tomorrow... Diya's head was spinning all of a sudden. She can't face him. No way!
Maybe he is too busy to notice all these stuff.
"Who checks their instagram all the time?", She said that out loudly.
The other two eyed at her in surprise.

"Everyone!", Dipika said, laughing.

Everyone.. he must have seen it. For sure!
But the possibility of running into him in a 15 storey building is quite low.
But her 7th floor and his 12th floor wasn't that far.
Elevator! She figured out the common point in between.
Just skip the elevator from now on..
Stairs are the best.
Good for your body and your job!


I know..
Nothing major happened. But wait till the next one 🤭

Don't forget to vote and comment.. pleasee.
We have to keep this story going! 💪

Have a great great great dayyy!!! 💖

Next chapter will be dedicated to someone who captures that little star down below first!

Next chapter will be dedicated to someone who captures that little star down below first!

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Read count: 651

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