Chapter 9

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Mission started!
Points to remember :

1. Don't take the elevator
2. Avoid any trips to the 12th floor.
3. Park the scooter in Sri Lanka.( somewhere far from his car )
4. Use the stairs. Stairs ONLY.

She was ready for it. Ready to conquer this mountain. 7th floor is not that far away.
Let's do it!

She started her climb quite early than her usual office time. Her backpack had 3 bottles of water, one Lays packet, 2 chocolate packets and most important... her determination.
20 minutes in. She was panting like crazy.

4th floor?????
She was furious. Could have thought about this before stalking him on social media!
She decided to sit down for a while in the empty stairwell. It was empty.. because she was early. She opened up her bag and dug out its contents.

She spread out everything on the floor and sat peacefully. Still an hour to go before anyone comes for work.
Plenty of time in hand. She unwrapped the chocolate packet and took a bite.

"Yeah.. I will call you back later.", She heard the sound.

Someone was speaking. She strained her neck to find the source of the voice.
It was coming from the top!
Footsteps were heard. Someone was descending down the stairs.

He was there, in front of her before she could run. Examining her relaxed sitting posture and the snacks spread out in front of her, he couldn't help but , be confused.
What was she doing here right now?

"Employee AD03471 ??? "

She felt like her soul has left her body.
No! He was right in front of her.
Did she really get up early in the morning and take the stairs to run into him again?????
God.. why?

"What are you doing here?", He asked, examining her face.

"I work here.", Diya replied.

"Ohh.. Wow. Thank you for the info. I didn't know that.", Jai said, sarcastically.

"I had some work to finish from yesterday.", she lied.

She prayed hard in her head. Hope he hasn't checked his profile. Please.

"Well, you seem to be working hard here..", He pointed to the snacks laid out on the floor, hiding his smile.

"I was just bored...", She replied.
He didn't say anything. He stared at her blindly. His eyes were intense and curious. His gaze made her shift in her place.
His hair was thick and neatly combed. His body, broad and muscular. His face, pleasant and handsome. He was tall. Very tall but would certainly complement her height. He was probably a few inches taller than her. Easily more than 6 feet.

"Stop staring at him!", She shouted in her mind. Her mind wanted her to run away, steady and fast. But she felt like standing there for more.

Run! Before he asks anything about it, Run!

"Good.... Morning. Sir. Have a nice day!", She fumbled but he smiled.
She picked up her bag and went straight to the stairwell door to open it.
Stairs are not a good idea! Late realisation.

"What else do you do when you are bored?", his question made her stop midway.
An amusing smile took over his lips.

"Nothing much..", She was puzzled.
What does he even mean??

"I thought you stalked people on social media for leisure..", he said, loud and clear.

There it is..
He saw it! Wow.
Her life was ruined.
This is the most embarrassing moment in her life.. Nope. Principals room incident in 12th was the most embarrassing.

No no no.. How can she forget? Her engagement day tops the list.

"I am... Sorry. SORRY. ", She said, freezing to the spot.

"I didn't mean to "stalk" you.."

"Ofcourse you did.", Jai was relentless.

"No, I didn't.. It was an accident. It happens all the time..", She breathed in and breathed out.

"Might be.. but I won't believe it.", He replied, looking at her scared face.

"Seriously? I woke up early in the morning.. which has never happened before! And climbed all these stairs to avoid meeting you in the elevator.. and you are still here determined to embarrass me like anything.",
Diya was ready for a fight. She wasn't going to let him attack her.

"What?? You took the stairs to avoid meeting me??", He was surpised beyond anything. Whatever she perceived that he had thought, he found her the most adorable. He let out a hearty laughter.
Did she really think of climbing 7 floors of this humongous building?

"Stop... laughing."

"I can't believee... you...", He was still laughing.

"I said sorryy!!! What else do you want me to do? "

He examined her head to toe. Every piece of her.
"Now that you have asked...."

He walked closer to her. His body touched hers, making it difficult for her to breathe and process. He smelled good... remarkably good. His hand wrapped hers as he leaned in closer to her face. His lips travelled to the side of her head, to her ears.

"Be my girlfriend.", He said huskily, dropping a bombshell on her.


Cliffhanger!! 📢

What just happened? 🥳

Have you ever regretted buying anything?

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Stay tuned for the next update! 💖

Till then... Stay happy And Love Yourself.
May you have the bestest day ever for reading this story! ❤

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 and virtual hugs for anyone who votes here 💌💗

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