Everything was quiet, then a gunshot could be heard, "Dad?!" Fitz shouts this time, concern clear in his voice. "Are you ok?! Dad, answer me!!"


The group on the plane took an immediate detour to Alistairs home. Soldiers scouting ahead of Fitz and Asta out of protection. "Clear! One down." A soldier shouts, allowing them and their assistant for the time being, Radcliffe, to enter the home.

"Sir! Princess!" another soldier says from the dinning room, the two calmly walk through the home to see Alistair on the ground, a gun shot wound on his side.

Fitz nods, before turning away from the body pacing to the window, Asta follows to comfort him. "Round up the men. Start canvasing the area." the soldier orders.

"That won't be necessary." Fitz tells them.

"Fitz?" Asta questions quietly.

"Excuse me, sir?" the Soldier asks confused.

"I'm sure the fugitive's gone by now, but it doesn't matter. We know where she's going. Get the men back on the Zephyr." Fitz instructs.

Radcliffe moves to follow but Asta grabs his arm, stopping him from going any further. "You say this woman loves me..." Fitz starts,  slowly turning to the man.

"Uh, yes, well. Clearly this was an accident. Heartbreaking accident, but I don't believe her intent was-" Radcliffe tries to explain, but Fitz grabs him from Asta's grasp and pulls him over to the body in anger.

"Look at him." Fitz instructs, as Asta stays in the living room, watching the two.

"Fitz..." Radcliffe tries to talk.

"Look! At! Him!" Fitz shouts, pushing him down. "That's my father, laying there, murdered in the home that I bought for him." Fitz points, before pushing the man back up, "You are gonig to lead us to Jemma Simmons, where it is my intent to put a bullet through her skull." Fitz tells him.

"Enough wasting time, lets go." Asta tells them before leading them back to the Zephyr.


"We've just recieved word from Madam Hydra to terrminate the Mission." a solider informs Fitz and Asta.

"Message recieved." Fitz replies.

"Instruct Jennings to reroute the plane-" The soldier begins to sinstruct but is cut short.

"Do no such thing. We will return once my fathers murderer has been found." Fitz explains.

"Is that understood?" Asta asks the soldier, after seeing his hesitence to agree.

"Yes Your Grace." he nods before leaving them.

"The back doors exit point's programmed to be in a city park, not some steel mill. What's going on here?" Radcliffe questions, confused as they look over the map.

"Seems Madam Hydra is a step ahead of you again. She's made a few modifications." Fitz tells him as he grabs Asta, moving to get ready.


They were here, the gun fire was enough proof for them to enter and look for Jemma Simmons. Fitz took the lead for the group, only having one solider with them, Holding a gun up once they found her. "Hello Jemma Simmons. Seems you finally found me." Fitz says once she turns to face them.

"Fitz... Asta..." Jemma says, taking steps towards them seeming relieved to see them.

"You don't get to say our names. Not after all that you've done." Asta tells her, stepping up to Fitz's side, anger like Jemma had never seen before burning in her eyes.

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