Prologue: In Which Deliah is Found

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A sickly paled baby had been discarded like trash near the edge of the great Qi forest. The baby had been left to defend itself against the ever persistent rain and had only a sopping wet cardboard box and wet blanket for shelter. Rightfully it let out sorrowful howl after howl that rivaled the raging wind and rain. A wind with a tinge of magic gently titled the box and all so that it now lay in the forest. It seemed like fate had a special destiny for this specific child.

Just as the moon had finaly poked through the stormy night a sorrowful howl of a great wolf broke through the night. Its slightly mossy green coat glimmered with raindrops and moonlight. It had lost a cub was mourning. The wolf found its way to the wailing wet bundle and sniffed curiously. The baby reached out a tiny hand and brushed the wolf's nose. The wolf carefully snatched the baby from the cardboard box and disappeared deeper into the Qi Forest.

And that is how Deliah, a mere human child entered the great and ancient forest of Qi.

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