Chapter 189

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Chapter 189: A man's waist can't be harmed.

When Asleep first joined the team, Leng Feng had been the one to personally review his application.

At the time, Zhou Xuehai had looked at Asleep's face and immediately proposed letting him join during the meeting, "Sign him!"

Asleep was very good looking, and he also had certain characteristics: clean skin, lazy and careless eyebrows, and a constant half awake appearance. It held a sense of decadence, yet also had a youth's unique fierceness.

This face, coupled with his considerable achievements meant that there was a chance that he'd be signed no matter which team he went to.

It was alright if he couldn't make any achievements, because even if they kept him on just to do live-streaming, he would still be able to help the team gain money and popularity.

Leng Feng and Zhou Xuehai had different ideas. Compared with commercial value, Leng Feng paid more attention to strength.

"Cong Yi is a good player. He has a good overall view of the situation and good game awareness. He's now playing in the support position, but his hand speed evaluation was very high, and it's not impossible for him to switch to other positions."

The coaches also agreed with this, so Zhou Xuehai said, "Cong Yi can be signed too." The value of a support position was a bit lower, but the signing price wasn't as high, and it would still bring a pretty good harvest.

Leng Feng didn't look at him as he brought the topic back to the original subject, "I don't recommend signing Asleep."

Zhou Xuehai turned to look at him. "But Asleep is much better than Cong Yi in all aspects!"

Leng Feng words could draw blood with a single hit. "He's not flexible enough."

Zhou Xuehai was irritated. "We haven't even started training him up, how can you know that he isn't flexible?"

Leng Feng and Zhou Xuehai had worked together for many years, and he was very clear about this guy's temperament. "We're not in the entertainment industry."

What's the use of just looking at appearance?

In e-sports, being unable to achieve any results was the original sin. If fans wanted to see good looking faces, why not go chase after stars?

There were countless youths with faces better than Asleep's in the entertainment circle!

Zhou Xuehai was unwilling to accept this. "He plays thief very well."

Leng Feng: "The jungler position relies on coordination the most. If he doesn't say a single word, how will he cooperate with his teammates?"

Zhou Xuehai hesitated.

Leng Feng knew what he was greedy for. "Even if he does live streaming, the fans won't buy into it if he remains silent like a depressed gourd, either."

This sentence was enough to convince Zhou Xuehai.

He just thought that Asleep was good looking and he played games well, so when the time came, he could open up a live broadcast to attract fans. But he'd forgotten that as an anchor, his ability to speak was more important than anything else.

After Leng Feng's sharp comments, the final decision made at the meeting was to sign Cong Yi and let Asleep go.

Unexpectedly, when Leng Feng notified Cong Yi, Cong Yi didn't hesitate to refuse. "No."

Leng Feng thought that he was displaying a child's temper, "I know that you and Asleep have a good relationship, but you can't give up on your own future because of your friends."

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