Chapter 142

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Chapter 142: The faith in his heart would never be extinguished.

The game between FTW and TPT was the finale for the day.

There were three games a day, and the third game would only begin after the first two were finished.

According to their past experience, the possibility of a late game was very likely, so they would have to wait even if they arrived early.

By the time they finished their make-up and the pre-game interview, the current game was only in their second match of the set.

What was interesting was that the team playing outside was a team they were familiar with--GOQ.

It was that team that had been beaten into tears by Wei Xiao, then forced to review the game afterwards.

Wei Xiao took a look. "They've made significant progress."

Chen Feng was also watching the situation. "We're halfway through the regular season. Many teams have started to come together."

The live projection showed the two teams that were playing an extremely tense game.

GOQ had already won a small match. In this match, they started off very aggressively, and the storm hunter that had been caught by Wei Xiao and forced to review the replay was playing very well. Several times, he stepped on raindrops in just the right way, making it so that his opponent either couldn't deal damage, or had no way to escape.

Seeing that Ning Zhehan and Yue Wenle had also leaned over to watch, Chen Feng said, "Enough. We'll probably be going up on stage soon. Go and warm up."

As an old expert, he could see that the game wouldn't last long.

GOQ was in full swing, and the other side had already been beaten into a mess. They wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

The regular season had already been going for over a month, and the team rankings had gradually stabilized.

FTW was first place in Group A, and RR was in second place.

In Group B, 3U was in first place, and TPT was in second place.

The other teams had also honed their fighting spirit and started the big battle to snatch up points in the second half of the season.

In the regular season, each team had to play a full 19 games. This type of real combat was worth 100 private training matches.

By now, every team had played at least ten games. The period of acclimatisation they needed was now done, and the adapting they had to do had already happened. The last nine games were the final key to the playoffs.

Whether or not they could reach the top four in their groups would depend on how they played in the second half of the season.

FTW's record was very beautiful. Other than losing to 3U, they'd won every other game.

Reasonably speaking, this notable achievement should mean that they would be first in their group with no suspense.

But RR was chasing after them relentlessly, biting at FTW's butt and only falling behind by one point.

In tonight's game of FTW vs TPT, if they lost, then RR could surpass FTW with their net points advantage and become number one in the group.

Although it was only a temporary first place, if FTW could win against TPT tonight, then their ability to defend their position as number one until the very end would be as high as 70%!

So, this game was very important. For FTW, this game was extremely important!

Wei Xiao naturally wouldn't talk about the concerns he had hidden in his heart, but he told his teammates, "We lost to 3U, so we can't lose to TPT this time."

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