Chapter 105

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Chapter 105: Do you know why you can't sleep here now?

But there was no way to go back on what he'd said.

Wei Xiao's character was the type where he had to do what he said, even if it seemed like it would be fatal.

His heart thumped, and he was about to...

Lu Feng got up, and the two of them changed positions.

Wei Xiao toppled onto the bed and was stunned, "Ah..."

Lu Feng hugged his waist and flipped him over.

Wei Xiao knew what he was going to do, "No... captain... about that... wu..."

Afterwards, Wei Xiao's mouth was still very agile and sharp, but his legs hurt, hurt to the point where he was moaning and groaning.

They hadn't even really done anything, but he already knew how to act coquettish and well-behaved. If they really did something...

Oh, he would probably not dare to moan and groan anymore.

He wouldn't even be able to get out of bed!

To Wei Xiao, Lu Feng's shoulder now seemed to be made out of crystal, the ultra-thin kind that would shatter with a touch.

He was very careful and tentative during the day, and cautious at night. Even when that happened, he would try to avoid it, and once he found that Lu Feng's shoulder was under any kind of stress, he would immediately cooperate with him, acting so obedient that it made people wish they could...

But Captain Lu couldn't bear to do it. Taking a bite of his neck was already his limit.

The two of them took another bath. After they came out, Wei Xiao swiftly darted into the bed, drilling in until only his eyes were exposed and said, "I'm going to stay here tonight!"

Lu Feng: "......."

Wei Xiao accused him, "You can't just tease and... wu..."

Lu Feng kissed his mouth, "You really dare to say anything."

Wei Xiao's eyes curved, "Isn't it because you insist on driving me away?"

Lu Feng pulled him into his arms. Wei Xiao had a psychological shadow about his shoulder and was flustered even when he pillowed his head on his healthy right shoulder, "I can sleep on a pillow."

Lu Feng pressed his restless little head down, "Behave."

Wei Xiao discovered it, "... Damn, captain, you..."

Lu Feng: "... Shut up."

Wei Xiao sucked in a breath.

Lu Feng stared at him, "Do you know why you can't sleep here now?"

Wei Xiao's legs still hurt. He shifted away from him slightly.

Lu Feng pulled him in close again, "Sleep."

Wei Xiao was prodded until his heart and head all heated up, "Um..."

Lu Feng looked at him.

Wei Xiao licked his lower lip, "In fact, I can... ah..."

There was always someone to show him with their actions: In fact, you can't.

After Wei Xiao had washed up three times, he regretted it, "I'd better go back to my room and sleep."

Lu Feng held him by the waist, "If you say a little less, it wouldn't happen so much."

By now, Wei Xiao had put his clothes back on properly and didn't dare to stick too close to him to 'keep warm' anymore.

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