Chapter 143

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Chapter 143: You're FTW's Quiet, our miracle soldier.

The BP segment was over. The line-up that both sides had snatched up for themselves didn't seem very problematic from a passers-by perspective.

FTW was very good with the berserker thief. Wei Xiao's crazy berserker thief had reached a miraculous level, enough to terrify countless teams.

In the last game, the team that was up against FTW had given their first ban spot to the shadow thief, and their second to the berserker thief. Their desire for survival was very strong.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to ban all the thieves. Wei Xiao took the immortal thief, the blood thief...

And still beat people up until they had to call out daddy.

On the surface, TPT's BP hadn't targeted Wei Xiao and only focused on the c-positions, forcing Ning Zhehan to take the ice mage and Yue Wenle to take the storm hunter.

When these two heroes came out at the same time, it only sent out one signal--they wouldn't have enough DPS during team fights.

The ice mage tended towards control and was relatively weak when it came to team fights; the storm hunter was flexible, but it had a short range, and it's damage was all single-target damage, making it more suited for ambushes or cutting to the back of the group. It was also quite weak in team fights.

TPT had forced FTW to pick out these two talents, making Wei Xiao's choices very limited.

The thief profession had many talent specs. They could hold up the DPS flag and make up for the shortage from the c-positions, but there weren't many talents that could drive team fights.

If he could use nine light arcs, then the shadow thief was one of those talents, but it had been banned.

Now, the only remaining talent that was powerful enough to do so was the berserker thief.

Should Wei Xiao take it or not?

If he took it, TPT obviously had a way to deal with it.

If he didn't take it, then they'd fall into TPT's trap, because the remaining talents were a little less compatible with the line-up compared with the berserker thief. TPT would've weakened Wei Xiao without even having to fight.

There was a pit in front of them, and a pit behind them. This was the terrible thing about playing against an excavator.

Forcing them into a dead end and making it so that they could only find a pit to squat in.

Wei Xiao never shrank back like a turtle. Instead of taking other talent specs that his teammates weren't used to, it was better to charge straight ahead.

You have your plan, and I have my routines.

He really wanted to give TPT a try.

--If they didn't even dare to try and break through in the regular season, then what kind of playoffs would they be able to play?!

Many people were paying attention to this game. RR wasn't the only team who'd come to the scene this time; there was also Asleep and Cong Yi.

Cong Yi had gone to FTW directly and asked for a seat on the substitute bench.

When he got in touch, Brother Liu had been a little stunned, "What?"

Cong Yi: "I'll help you watch your water dispenser."

There were water dispensers beside the substitute benches, so the substitutes also had a nickname--water dispenser watchers.

Xiang Liu, who was busy looking for substitutes every day, was a bit confused. "About that, we aren't..." Short on support and jungler players (conjoined babies).

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