Chapter 188

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Chapter 188: When encountering trouble, start off with solo.

Wei Xiao had stayed up all night, but his gains went beyond what he’d put into words.

He had gained a visual understanding of Yue Wenle, but it still required further exploration through action. Another important point was to figure out how to push Yue Wenle’s recklessness to the extreme.

Changing it was too difficult; it was better to adapt it instead.

Perhaps, Yue Wenle’s greatest problem wasn’t that he was reckless, but that he wasn’t reckless enough.

As for how to strengthen it?

Coincidentally, Wei Xiao had a lot of experience with this.

When encountering trouble, start off with solo. This was FTW’s ancestral inherited secret recipe.

Three days later, the top four teams in the China competition zone came out, hot out of the oven. The names on the list didn’t surprise anyone––FTW, RR, 3U, TPT.

There were a total of four games for the eight into four round, and all four teams had played beautifully.

The fans had a great time watching the games, and were very much looking forward to watching these four teams, who were in such good states, kill their way into the semi-finals.

Of course, some fans were sour for no reason:

“Why did the competition system have to change this year?”

“I love these four teams so much, I can’t bear to see any of them be eliminated QAQ!”

“I’ll feel bad no matter who loses. I want to watch them go to the globals and continue to fight!”

Some people advised them, “Think about it from another angle. You’ll be happy no matter who wins!”

“Why wait for the globals? Fight hard domestically! Whoever can take the championship will be fighting for our country! That’s even more domineering!”

“Yeah! If they’re able to get the top spot from such a fierce clash, then they’ll have nothing to fear in the globals!”

The semi-finals followed a draw system, and the competition committee had specially arranged for a live draw.

There was a small dispute within FTW about the draw.

Wei Xiao raised his hand.

Chen Feng: “You want to go?”

Wei Xiao shot Brother Cai a fawning glance, “Let our Caicai go!”

If they didn’t use his little lucky hands now, then when would they use it?

Bai Cai felt a chill run down his back. He said in shock, “I refuse!”

His hands were poisonous. Little Lunatic Wei was the lucky one, but he, the White Cabbage, was the opposite.

As a salted fish, Brother Cai just wanted to pick soft persimmons. Although none of the three teams were soft, he would be a sinner forever if he drew 3U!

Brother Cai knew that Wei Xiao had been training up Yue Wenle recently.

The results of this special training wasn’t clear, but it was certain that 3U’s Asleep had an advantage over Yue Wenle, and it would be best if they tried not to meet 3U in the semi-finals.

Wei Xiao stared at him. “What are you backing down for?”

Bai Cai: “I just am!”

Wei Xiao tried to seduce him. “Go, go. I’ll give you a red envelope.”

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