Chapter 027

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Chapter 27: Lu Feng: “So, I’m yours for 24 hours a day?”

translator: xiin
editors: apricot & juurensha

Lu Feng: “……”

Wei Xiao felt at ease again. Words that would make anyone else embarrassed enough to want to drill into the ground were really useful in easing awkwardness when it came to him.

After half a beat of silence, Lu Feng spoke again, “Then are you marrying or not?”

Wei Xiao: “Ah?”

The iron plate was in front of him. Wei Xiaoxiao slammed into it head-first and ended up with a bump!

Lu Feng laughed briefly, “I’m asking if you want to join FTW.”

He deliberately dragged out the word ‘join’. In the extensive and profound Chinese language, ‘marry’ and ‘join’ sounded vaguely similar.

Wei Xiao could sense that Lu Feng was teasing him, and it aroused his desire for victory.

It was fine to lose in solo matches, but when it came to shamelessness, he was invincible!

Wei Xiao: “Marry!”

Lu Feng’s eyes were full of laughter, “Hm?”

Wei Xiao’s eyes were full of provocation as he said super loudly, “I. Want. To. ‘Marry’. Into. FTW!”

At the stairway, the Old Yue who’d matured from a little white face into a vampire, who had been wandering around for a full four hours, “???”

In his hazy confusion, what kind of amazing news had he just heard?



F*ck, he’d originally been carrying a figurative bow and arrow, wanting to shoot right through this delicious spicy chicken. But now…

To hell with shooting!

The godly marksman Yue Wenle slipped away in disgrace. He was afraid, he didn’t dare. He was afraid that he might end up shooting out a Cupid’s arrow!

After crying for most of the night, Wei Xiao was tired. He slept until two o’clock in the afternoon.

He woke up refreshed, and his entire person felt lighter.

Grandma’s portrait board was placed on the coffee table. He only needed to glance at it once, and the tip of his nose turned sour.

But he wouldn’t cry again.

Wei Xiao walked over and touched the portrait. A gentle smile graced his mouth, “Thank you, grandma.”

His grandmother had loved him with everything she had when she was still alive.

His grandmother had gone to heaven, but she was still looking over him now.

Over the past two years, what had pressed down on Wei Xiao’s heart had been his self doubt and guilt that couldn’t be released.

He’d gone against his parents for so many years, not wanting to be a similarly selfish person, yet during the winter vacation when he was 17, he’d done the same thing as Wei Quan.

At the time of her death, his grandma’s words for him not to be like his father had been like a blade stabbing into Wei Xiao’s heart.

Don’t be the same as Wei Quan.

Don’t be like Wei Quan…

Wei Xiao had suddenly sobered up. He’d left his grandmother and spent all his time, day and night, chasing after an ethereal goal. What was the difference between Wei Quan and Wei Xiao?

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