Chapter 148

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Chapter 148: Tell me, who is the wild man in your room?

In fact, Lu Feng hadn't left a mark too high up. There were just a few hickies near the bottom of his neck.

The lines of Wei Xiao's body were particularly good, both slender and flexible, and his two collarbones were especially sexy when the two of them were moving together, inviting others to want to kiss them.

Lu Feng knew how high the collar of their team uniform was, which was why he'd marked him so fearlessly.

Wei Xiao wouldn't have been exposed if he hadn't been drinking watermelon juice.

However... Brother Cai's eyes were penetrating and understood it clearly with a look. He'd already come up with a 300 word analysis in his mind.


Too terrible!

No wonder Wei Xiao had gotten up so late. No wonder Bai Cai hadn't been allowed into the room. No wonder he was floating like this when he came downstairs.


Bai Cai struck himself so thoroughly with lightning that he was charred on the outside and crispy on the inside.

No way, that couldn't be! He drove all these messy thoughts out of his mind--he didn't believe that Wei Xiao was such a person.

Although he was a living and breathing beast, it wasn't to the point where he would do such a beastly thing!

The captain had only been gone for a month, yet he'd already found a new sweetheart?!

It was impossible, it was impossible! Even his straight man's eyesight was enough for him to understand: How was it possible to find another male god on the same level as Close?!

Besides, Wei Xiao's feelings for Lu Feng were truer than gold even when he wasn't gay. How could he cheat on him just like that?

After some logical, careful thinking, Bai Cai finally came to a conclusion.


Wei Xiao must be having an allergic reaction to something!

There weren't mosquitoes in April, so other than an allergy, there was no other possible reason for it!

In this way, Brother Cai breathed a sigh of relief, "Be careful. If you feel any discomfort anywhere, you should get it treated as soon as possible."

Wei Xiao almost choked on his watermelon juice. "Ah?"

Bai Cai pointed to his neck. "The red spots there are from an allergy, right? Don't scratch at it. If it gets too severe, then take some antihistamines."

Wei Xiao: ".................."

He set down the watermelon juice and understood what was going on.

Like hell it was an allergy, that was all... all from the captain...

With this thought, Wei Xiao reincarnated into a steam train and started sending out smoke!

Bai Cai was still talking, "But there's no game over the next two days. It should recede even without medicine, right?"

He drank a sip of his own boiled water and looked up at Wei Xiao. Then: "............"

What the hell are you blushing for, Wei Little Xiao? You can't really have...

Brother Cai's whole world collapsed and split apart!

Wei Xiao cleared his throat, "Are you finished eating? We should go train."

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