Chapter 108

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Chapter 108: Glory's Mic Explosion King

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

First, there was the hot-blooded opening game, and then there was FTW's deep-water torpedo, setting off wave after wave and leaving the China Glory circle dumbfounded.

At first, the fans burst out in tears, and then the anti-fans poked their heads up and began to stir up the muddy waters like crazy.

If there were enough Close fans to make a circle around the earth, then there were enough anti-fans to make one and a half circles around the earth.

As a man who'd stirred up the bloody rain in the Glory circles, those who loved him loved him all the way down to their soul, and those who hated him hated him all the way down to their bones.

No matter how hard Xiang Liu worked to control the comments, he couldn't hold back the haters who crowded together to apply pressure.

"Close is only 21. How'd he get a shoulder injury so serious that he has to leave the team for treatment?"

"If you can't afford to lose, then just say it directly. Why put on such a miserable act?"

"Wake up, other than acting miserable, what else can FTW do? They've done this for three years. They're probably unable to keep going on this year or something."

"Laozi even thought that FTW was going to rise up this year. Like hell. Isn't this just abandoning ship and running away?"

These were already considered good. There were more malicious ones later on--

"I've felt that things were weird ever since Quiet joined the team."

"If there's nothing going on, why change junglers? Lu Feng must've seen that FTW can't continue on and was planning to find someone to take over."

"FTW was already setting this up when they announced that Close would be switching to the top lane. He'd played jungler for four years, then said that he's not suited to play jungler. Who would believe that?"

"He just wanted to find a way to step back, waiting for an opportunity to walk away."

"That's great. The contracts with their partners were signed earlier in the year, and they've already made enough money."

"There's no need to think about it. Two months later, FTW will send out a new statement--Oh hey, the treatment didn't work, Close's shoulder can't recover, and he has to retire."

Conspiracy theories, paranoia, and keyboard warriors emerged in an endless stream.

The fans who'd originally already been confused became even more of a mess when faced with these comments.

From the crying at the start to the questioning that followed, and then to the state where they were on the verge of collapse; even if FTW's PR department was powerful, they were a bit unable to hold back the tide.

Until the professional players started forwarding Weibo posts.

First came the retired veterans, and then the popular newcomers, and then the new generation of immature future stars.

Everyone forwarded the same content. It was a simple but direct sentence--

Waiting for your light arcs to fill up the sky.

In the face of doubt, chaos, and the anti-fans who were fishing in troubled waters, strength was the strongest umbrella.

We'll wait for your return.

Wait for you to light up the canyon with nine light arcs.

A man who could casually brush out nine light arcs, a man who was still at the peak of the competitive arena, a man who'd just crushed his opponents in a 1v3 in the canyon.

[1] GLORYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin