Chapter 056

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Chapter 56: Captain, what do you mean by private spending money?

Private-private spending money?

Even Little Lunatic Wei was confused for a moment.

The people in the training room didn’t even dare to breathe too loudly and only wished they could dive beneath the tables.

Chen Feng: “……”

Lu Feng glanced at him, “What happened.”

Chen Feng explained Wei Xiao’s ‘heroic deeds’ in two or three sentences.

It was inevitable that Bai Cai’s ‘pain’ was taken out and put on display again.

Sure enough, if a wound was going to heal, it needed to be brought out into the light.

In just one short hour, Bai Cai’s attitude had changed dramatically.

To hell with being depressed, to hell with having been betrayed. Did that spicy chickenZhou Xingfei deserve any of that?! Did he deserve Brother Cai’s despair?!

After listening, Lu Feng looked at Wei Xiao and said, “Don’t use your private spending money. In the future, this kind of thing will come from the club.”

The training room: “!!!”

Chen Feng’s eyes had popped so far out of his head that they had almost left the universe!

Wei Xiao was instantly excited, “F*ck the captain is too good!”

Bai Cai’s mouth twitched. It was bad enough that he dropped such words; couldn’t he add in some punctuation!? What the hell was this sentence.

Lu Feng: “Hm?”

Wei Xiao was alerted and quickly changed his words, “Captain, you’re too good!” His tone was very well-behaved.

The tip of Lu Feng’s ear moved slightly, but his expression didn’t change at all, “Mm.”

Wei Xiao added, “However, you don’t have to worry. This money definitely won’t be lost!”

He then looked at Ning Zhehan and Yue Wenle, “Brothers, the captain is so righteous and great, so we can’t let him down. In this battle, we’re fighting not only for Bai Cai’s innocence, but also for the team leader’s generous spirit!”

Bai Cai tried to explain weakly, “What damned innocence…”

Chen Feng also had a headache. When it came to injecting chicken blood, if Wei Xiao claimed to be second best at it, then nobody would dare to claim to be number one.

After Wei Xiao’s frenzied thoughts gradually cooled down, he thought about the matter of private spending money again.

He was sitting next to Lu Feng. Because Brother Cai had been so lucky with the matches yesterday, he was still the room host for their free matching today, and the right to start queueing was in Brother Cai’s hands. Wei Xiao just needed to idle and wait for the system to match them into a game.

He leaned in and whispered to Lu Feng, “Captain, what do you mean by private spending money?”

It was too difficult to ignore these words!

If these three words were put into Baidu, the results that came out would all pertain to matters between boyfriends and girlfriends.

In order not to end up matching into the same game as them, Lu Feng hadn’t started matching yet, “What do you think it means?”

Wei Xiao lowered his voice, “Could it be that the two million is your private spending money? Do you have a girlfriend?”

Lu Feng: “…….”

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