Chapter 185

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Chapter 185: Brother Xiao, isn’t having the captain already enough?

As soon as their opponents exposed themselves, the two sides’ positions could clearly be seen on the map.

GOQ’s jungler and support were surrounding them from the bottom, and GOQ’s marksman no longer hid behind the tower and eagerly tried to hold back Yue Wenle.

Looking at Yue Wenle’s position, he looked like dumpling filling that was waiting to be wrapped up and surrounded.

Wei Xiao was currently killing the wolf creep. “Old Bai, teleport.” Then, he hit the teleport button himself.

If GOQ wanted to fight, then they’d fight.

Unexpectedly, Yue Wenle actually stopped them. “No need.”

Wei Xiao’s teleport was still casting.

Yue Wenle: “Don’t break your rhythm.”

Wei Xiao was stunned for a moment. He moved his fingers and stopped the teleport, smiling as he said, “Badass, Old Yue.”

Yue Wenle stared at the screen, his voice languid, “It’s alright.”

The conversation between the two of them made Ning Zhehan twitch his ears. “This sounds familiar.”

Bai Cai rolled his eyes. “Middle-schoolers are easily amused.”

Yue Wenle didn’t let Wei Xiao teleport because Wei Xiao was in the top lane and had only finished snatching up half of his resources. The best result that could be achieved from him coming down at this time would be him killing one of GOQ’s players, but it would be very difficult to keep Yue Wenle alive.

FTW and GOQ would trade one kill for another, but FTW’s jungle clearing rhythm would be thrown off, resulting in greater losses.

Yue Wenle’s positioning was reckless, but this judgement wasn’t reckless at all.

The fans’ understanding was a bit shallower, and their hearts had already started to beat fiercely.

“Are they going to sell Lele out?”

“Although Lele’s positioning is a bit reckless, it’s completely possible for them to fight if they teleported over.”

“If they sell him, then they sell him. As long as Quiet can develop, GOQ is still done for.”

“God Le’s the marksman, though. Is it okay for FTW to abuse their ADC like this…”

What the haters said didn’t need to be mentioned. In any case, it was all repetitive speculation about FTW’s failures. If it didn’t make the players themselves break down, it was still enough to mess with the mentality of the fans, and in any case, it did nobody any good to see it.

On the commentator stand, Brother Mouth and Lili were also analyzing the battle situation.

“The gold hunter is a talent that relies heavily on farm. Dying once at the start of the game will have a big impact.”

“But if Quiet chooses to go support him in this wave, the upper jungle zone will be lost and it wasn’t easy to dominate. Instead, they’ll fall into GOQ’s feint and attack trap.”

“Team GOQ is amazing; they’ve found a way to calm down after losing two games. They’re really worthy of being a team that has rushed their way into the top eight.”

“Brother Mouth, did my eyes blur for a moment? Did Quiet press the teleport button, then cancel it?”

“It seems that they discussed it on team chat.”

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