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Meredith smiled at all of the familiar faces as she was wheeled through the surgical floor towards the elevator that would take her to the OR floor. George was behind her, steering her gurney, whispering at her to stop as she waved happily to everyone she knew – and didn't know – as she passed by. When he had arrived to prep her, Derek had stepped out to check on his patient, but still hadn't returned. He had promised to see her again before her surgery, but time was running out.

Still, Meredith wasn't too worried.

"How are you doing, Mer?" The worried voice of her roommate called softly.

Meredith waved her hand at the pilot of her gurney, back and forth twice before offering him a thumbs-up. "I'm grrrreat, George!"

He sighed heavily, and the gurney slowed to a stop. George appeared suddenly in her sight range, his expression apprehensive. "Are you sure? Because you are about to have surgery, Meredith. And...it's okay to be worried..."

"I'm not worried, George."

"Just keep in mind that an appendectomy is a routine procedure. Very little time under anaesthesia. Short recovery. Low rate of problems. You'll be fine." He continued, unconvinced by her reassurances of being fine.

Frustrated by her roommate's apparent fixation on her being worried, Meredith swiped a hand towards him, managing to clip the edge of his forearm.

"Hey!" He chastised. "You're not supposed to hit your doctor."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, you're not supposed to annoy the hell out of your patient. Seriously, George, bed side manner; look it up."

George sighed, making sure to remain out of arm's length when he spoke again. "I know that you're drugged and everything, but-"

"I'm not drugged," Meredith countered. Seriously, what was it with the entire freaking staff of the freaking hospital accusing her of being high? She was perfectly sober. It was them that were acting like neurotropic drugs were invading their synapses.

He considered her for a moment before nodding. "Fine. I get that you're all fine and not worried and all, but...I'm your friend first, Mer, before being your doctor, so you can tell me if you're scared, because I'm here for you..."

Despite her annoyance with the situation, Meredith was surprised to feel her eyes welling with tears. She reached her hand towards him, and scowled when he leaned away, having learned the hard way to be leery of her hand. "George, get over here," she commanded.

With a hesitant glance each way down the hall, he slowly leaned closer.

As soon as he was within range, Meredith grabbed a fistful of his scrub top and pulled him half over the gurney to hug him.

"Oh, I...uh..." He stuttered. "This wasn't exactly...uh..."

She ignored him. "Thank-you for being my friend, George," she said, still clutching tightly to him.

He finally relaxed somewhat, hesitantly hugging her back, using the hand not holding himself off of her to carefully pat her on the back. "Hey, I'm glad to be your friend, Mer. And I'm glad you're my friend, because you're a great friend, but..." He pulled away as far as she would let him. "Maybe you should let go of me in case Shepherd shows up..."

Meredith giggled, but did as instructed. "You can call him Derek, George," she explained as George stood upright again. "He is your roommate too. And I'm allowed to hug anyone I want. It's a rule. Okay, maybe not a rule, rule. But it should be. I'll make it a rule. And he won't mind. You know why?"

George shook his head. "Why?"

She smiled back at her roommate, warmth filling her heart. "Because not only does he love me, but he trusts me," she whispered.

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