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Meredith stumbled back into the locker room, collapsing onto the bench beside Christina, who was seated in line with Izzy, and then George. She was ecstatic from her talk with Derek. The fact that he valued her that much hit her really hard. That he needed to get divorced first, that he didn't see her some cheep thing he picked up in a bar.

"I hear you won your McDreamy." Christina stated.

Meredith smiled despite her exhausted state. "Yeah."

"You sound surprised," Christina said. "Anyone could have told you he was going to pick you."

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you were really sure last night, especially when you bet against me with Izzy."

"I did not," Christina exclaimed.

"Yeah," Izzy cut in. "We would never bet on something like that, Mer."

Christina could have pulled off the lie on her own, but Izzy had yet to develop a good poker face. Meredith shook her head.

"Iz, don't forget she owes you fifty bucks."

"Oh!" Izzy said brightly. "You're right." She looked around Meredith to look at Christina. "You totally owe me fifty bucks." She held out her hand. "Pay up."

"I rest my case," Meredith stated, as Christina simply shook her head.

"What? I- oh..." Izzy trailed off as she realized what had happened. "Sorry, Mer," she said sheepishly.

Meredith shrugged. "At least you bet in favour of me." She glared at her best friend.

Christina scoffed. "Whatever."

Meredith shook her head and laughed gently before quieting. She yawned and closed her eyes, leaning up against Christina, who didn't pull away. In fact, she leaned back up against Meredith. They had been on duty for far too long to be facing another twelve long hours.


Miranda Bailey pushed into the intern locker room, her eyes immediately falling on four of her interns, lined up along the bench, eyes closed, leaning against one another. She shook her head. She had never seen such a close-knit group of interns. She cleared her throat, smiling inwardly when all four heads turned in her direction.

"You may want to clean yourselves up," she said. "Rounds in five minutes."

They nodded tiredly in her direction, and she returned the gesture before leaving the room. They were obviously exhausted. Had it not been for a few short hours off the previous evening, they would have been on duty for forty-two hours straight. It was just about six in the morning, and she knew none of them got off again until six that afternoon, and with the extra patients from the train crash still in their care, the odds any of them would have a chance to sleep was slim. But the fact that they weren't complaining made her smile. Although she wouldn't admit it, she took pride in the fact that she had the best group of interns. The attendings were already favouring them after a few short months.

She passed more than one upper year resident and attending, dressed in street clothes, on their way home after a long night. She shook her head at them. It would be nice to be able to leave.

She jumped onto an elevator, fully intending on making full use of the next five minutes to go down to the lobby and get a large coffee from the cart by the doors. It was much better coffee, and right now, she really needed it.

A familiar figure stood at the cart, awaiting his order.

"Feeling better, Dr. Shepherd?"

He turned to face her. "Dr. Bailey," he greeted. "Yes, I'm feeling better. Thanks again." He smiled.

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