He pulled up on the dirt road.

He opened his trunk, grabbing every detail he needed. Bone, coins, dirt, and his ID picture.

He rushed to the center of the road. Not on any road. Crossroads.

He dug a hole of rocks with his hands, landing the box in the center. He covered the rocks over it. He stood up for a moment, waiting in silence. Every road surrounding him. Waiting for the demon.

"Oh, come on already. Show your face, you bitch!!"

"Easy, sugar. You'll wake the neighbors."

Dean turned his back, seeing the red-glowing eyes demon looking back at him. She was smiling at the desperate sight of Dean Winchester. Receiving all the news from under.

"Dean... It is so, so good to see you."

She inhaled sharply, and she continued as she walked to him. "I mean it. Look at you. Gone and got your family killed, all alone in the world. Just like the Huntress... It's too sweet...'

She walked closer to him, "Excuse me, you have to give me a moment. Sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses."

Dean faced her, "I should send you straight back to Hell."

"Oh, you should... but you won't... and I know why."

Dean turned to her, "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah. Following in Daddy's footsteps, you want to make a deal. Little Sammy back from the dead, and--let me guess-- you're offering up your soul?"

"There are a hundred other demons who'd love to get their hands on it... and it's all yours. Stay Karina out of it. Her soul is all hers... Her choice, her words, and her humanity. All you got to do is bring Sam back. Give me 10 years... 10 years, and then you come for me."

"You must be joking."

"That's the same deal you give everybody else."

"You're not everybody else."

She walked up to his ear and whispered to him. "Why would I want to give you anything? Keep your gutter soul. It's too tarnished, anyway."

"Nine years."



She chuckled, "You keep going, I'll keep saying no."

"Okay, five years. Five years and my bill come due. That's my last offer-- five years or no deal."

She smiled at him as she leaned closely against Dean's lips. "Then no deal."


"Fine." She walked away from Dean as she continued. "Make sure you bury Sam before he starts stinking up the joint."

Dean stopped it, "Wait."

She stopped as she spoke softly. "It's a fire sale, and everything must go."

"What do I have to do?"

She walked up to him, "First of all, quit groveling. Needy guys are such a turnoff."

She sighed as she spoke the words. "Look... I shouldn't be doing this. I could get in a lot of trouble. But what can I say? I got a blind spot for you, Dean. You're like a... puppy. You're just too fun to play with. I'll do it..."

"You'll bring him back? Her soul will be safe?"

"I will and because I'm such a saint, I'll give you one year and one year only. But here's the thing. If you try to welch or weasel your way out, then the deal is off. Sam drops dead. He's back to rotten meat in no time. For Karina... her humanity soul will be burning in Hell. So... better deal than your dad ever got.'

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