Incorrect Quotes 38

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Pauline : How much impulse control have you lost without Louana around?

Ambre : Bold of you to assume I had any to begin with.


Bastien : Shrek came out 21 years ago.

Colin : I didn't know Shrek was gay too.


Denis : Alright now, everyone may I have your attention. I have an announcement to make and I only have a minute.

François : Why? You're in a hurry?

Denis : No, I was referring to your relatively short attention spans.


Maxime: Want to have a baby, Fouzi? Your smile, my everything else. That baby would be unstoppable.


It's not my fault I help boys realize they're gay.



I'm not interested in being polite. Or heterosexual.



Yannick : What did I tell you about comparing the Reds to the Devil?

Olga : That it's offensive to the Devil.

Yannick : N O


Anne-So, as a kid : I can't wait till I'm grown up so I can stay up late EVERY NIGHT.

Anne-So, as an adult, crawling to bed at 6.30pm : Oh thank god.


Colin : Have you seen Maxime? I can't find him.

Olga : I suggest checking under Fouzi.

Colin : OLGA!


I may be a disaster, but I'm a disaster with victories. Fight me.


Koh Lanta got me joking at 1amWhere stories live. Discover now