Incorrect Quotes 18

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Patrick : Alles ist deine Schuld !

Maxime : I know, I know.

Patrick : You speak German?

Maxime : No, I just know the phrase ''this is all your fault'' in every language.


Clémentine : Cindy, it's six in the morning. Did someone glue you to the fridge?

Cindy : No.

Clémentine : Did you glue yourself to the fridge?

Cindy :... Yes.


Ugo, with a large box in his hands : What would say if I came home one day with 4 puppies?

Freddy :

Freddy : What's in the box?

Ugo :

Freddy : Niko what's in the box?

Ugo : I think you know.


Clémence, watching Coumba from the bench as Kevin struggles with another coconut : I can't believe I'm gonna sleep with him.

Christelle : Well, you don't have to.

Clémence : No, I'm gonna.


Candice : I want to wake up with you for the rest of my life.

Karima : I wake up at 5am.

Candice :

Candice : I want to go to bed with you for the rest of my life.


Laurent : I take very good care of myself, I treat my body like a temple.

Moundir : Yeah, open to everyone day and night.


Sam : *Laying on the ground, crying*

Phil : What's wrong with Sam?

Jade : He took a ''which Koh-Lanta adventurer is your soulmate'' quiz.

Phil : Okay? And?

Jade : He got Teheiura.


Claude : Everyone has a weakness.

Claude : I, personally, am tragically talented and good looking.


Freddy : Baby.

Ugo : Yes?

Freddy : Nothing, I just wanted to call you baby.


Claude : I just wanna hear those three little words.

Laurent : I love you.

Claude : That's sweet, but try again.

Laurent : Fine. I will behave.

Claude : There we go.

Koh Lanta got me joking at 1amWhere stories live. Discover now