Incorrect Quotes 20

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Claude : I don't let my sexuality define me.

Also Claude : Move, I'm gay!


Mattéo : I'm here

Cyril : I'm queer

Clémence : I live in fear

Vincent : I like deer!

Stéphanie :... And I'm sorry to everyone who has to deal with these idiots I call friends.


Martin : Got a hot date?

Laurent : No, but my date does.

Martin : *offended noises*


Denis : Everyone stop arguing and help with this crossword. I need a 6 letter word for ''disappointment''.

Freddy : Hm... Claude.

Denis :

Denis : It fits.


Claude : There are no snacks left in the kitchen.

Laurent : I'm literally right here.


Sam : Once, Loïc smiled at me and I had to visit the clinic just to make sure I wasn't pregnant.


Moundir : I sleep with a knife under my pillow.

Philippe : Weak. I sleep with a gun under my pillow.

Laurent : You both are pathetic.

Philippe : Oh yeah? What killer weapon do you sleep with, Mr. Badass?

Laurent : Martin.


Coumba : Is it okay that I don't hate you like I hate most people?

Patrick, laughing softly : Yeah. Yeah, that's okay by me.


Loïc : A mosquito tried to bite me so I slapped it away killing it.

Loïc : And then I started thinking... It was just trying to get food, right?

Loïc : What if I went to the fridge one day and just slammed the door shut, snapping my neck?

Jade :...


Alexandra : You make me so angry!

Alix : Oh please, you wouldn't hurt a fly.

Alexandra : You're right because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim.

Koh Lanta got me joking at 1amWhere stories live. Discover now