Incorrect Quotes 28

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Colin : I hate going into the kitchen to find out I'm the only snack in the house.


Jean-Charles : In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?

François, yelling : Hey Nicolas, how tall are you?


Maxime : I think I'm falling for you. *winks*

Fouzi : Get up.


Pauline : You're pretty cute when you're nice.

Ambre : What am I when I'm not nice?

Pauline : Hot as fuck.


Maxime : You should lock your door. There's horrible people out there.

Louana : There's horrible people right in here.


Bastien, looking at his long hair : I just shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore.


Olga : I'm willing to do a lot of things.

Olga : But admitting to Anne-So that I'm cold after she told me to bring a jacket isn't one of them.


Ambre : Truth or dare?

Pauline : Truth.

Ambre : I dare you to kiss me.

Pauline : *kisses Ambre*



François : Louana's a really good laser tag partner. She's tiny so she's allowed to push kids.


Fouzi : Max, what are you doing?

Maxime : Making chocolate pudding.

Fouzi : It's 4am. Why are you making chocolate pudding?

Maxime : Because I've lost control of my life.

Koh Lanta got me joking at 1amWhere stories live. Discover now