Incorrect Quotes 24

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Clémence : I hate men.

Claude : Good, more for me.


Teheiura : What did I tell you about lying?

Sam, sadly : That it only works on Phil.


Sam : The others always accuse me of having a favorite teammate. It's not true, I love Loïc and not-Loïc equally.


*Alix's birthday party*

Namadia : Sorry I'm late.

Alix : What happened?

Namadia : Nothing, I just really didn't want to come.


Claude, to the cameras: Hi, I'm Claude.

Teheiura, quietly : I know what you did...


Karima : I had a dream about you.

Maxime : Aww, you did?

Karima, nodding : Yeah, I was beating the shit out of you.


Candice : I guess I'm just too tough to cry.

Clémentine : Just today, you were crying about snakes.

Candice, with tears in her eyes : They don't have any arms!


Coumba : We're a team, right? Ride or die!

Clémence : Sure, I'd totally ride you.

Coumba : What?

Clémence : What?

Christelle, tying his shoes : She said she'd totally ride you.


Claude : Send dudes.

Laurent :

Laurent : You mean nudes?

Claude : No, I'm in a fight. I need more men.

Claude : Nudes would be nice too.


Ugo : What's wrong with Loïc? He's been laying on the floor for 15 minutes.

Freddy : He's a little overwhelmed.

Ugo : Why?

Freddy : Sam giggled.

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