Incorrect Quotes 5

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Cindy : You deserved better.

Karima : Fucking right I did.


No, I never work out. Constant stress and panic and lack of sleep and various food intolerances keep me quite thin.



Kidnapper : We have your son.

Ugo : Hm, my son is with me right now?

Kidnapper : Then who just asked for warm chocolate milk and made us cut the crusts off his sandwich?

Ugo : Oh my god, you don't have my son. You have Loïc.


Coumba : I'm going to the bakery, you want something?

Freddy and Jade laying face down : We want Grégoire back.

Coumba : I've got enough money for 5 chouquettes I think.


Claude : I am a bad person. I am a very bad person. I am a horrible person.

Laurent :

Teheiura :

Ugo :

Claude : ''No you're not Claude. We still love you Claude.''


When life gets tough, it's time to do some weird shit to your hair.



Alix, to the others : And I realized, it doesn't matter where you go, there's always gonna be bitches and assholes in your life. So the only thing you can do is surround yourself with the few bitches and assholes you can actually stand being around. And for me, that's you guys.


He's my best friend, he's like a brother to me, but he's a disaster.

Claude about Laurent


Teheiura : I'm leaving you.

Sam : Where? Can I come?


Coumba : I hate you.

Clémence : I thought you loved me.

Coumba : I'm multitasking.

Koh Lanta got me joking at 1amWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt