Incorrect Quotes 1

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Comme je l'ai dit sur le recueil principal, ça m'amuse alors je poste la suite ici :

Loïc : Alex, can you handle that ?

Alexandra : I never know if I can handle anything. That's what makes my life so exciting.


Jade : What is love ?

Clémentine : An emotional minefield.

Christelle : A neurochemical reaction.

Cindy : Baby don't hurt me, no more.


*Sam has woken Claude up twice about a ghost*

Claude : Now listen, hermanito. I don't care what you do with your ghost, but leave me out of it, alright ?

Sam, sarcastically : Don't worry, I won't call you even if I'm in mortal danger !

Claude : Good. Sweet dreams !


Ugo : I'm the sexiest idiot in this therapy waiting room.


Laurent : Do you ever think ? Because I do not.


Patrick : It's been a terrible week.

Patrick : But hearing Maxime and Namadia convince Phil that J.R.R. Tolkien's real name is 'Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien' was absolutely priceless.


Alix : What's the phobia for being murdered ?

Coumba : Common sense ?


Denis : What did I tell you three not to do ?

Teheiura : Which one ?

Claude : You tell us not to do a lot of things.

Laurent : Sometimes I don't even think you let us do things.


Karima : Freddy told me to give you this. *gives Ugo a piece of paper*

Ugo : *reads silently*

'There's a big sale in your bedroom right now'

Ugo : Huh?

'All clothes are 100% off'

Ugo, sweating : I-I have to go.


Laurent : I'm not going to tell you, I'm not a snitch.

Denis : Right, let's try something else then. Tag a friend you recently commit a crime with.

Laurent : Lmao @Claude 

Koh Lanta got me joking at 1amWhere stories live. Discover now