40 • Nostalgic

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"It is 1:43 pm on the 22nd June 2022, a week after my birthday," Maya smiles into the camera and then pans it on all of us, "and I think we'll call this episode of P.S for my bs, chaos in the kitchen."

She changes the name on every video she does. Yesterday, she called it Scorpihoe and she's a Gemini.

"We've got Rose being the mom and looking damn good while doing it," she faces the camera on me as I add the finishing touches to the rota.

Since we now have no maid I made a rota with everyone's names on it. I put Marco on garbage duty, haha. 

"We've got Marco being an idiot, as expected," she laughs as he struggles to use the bottle opener to open his beer then moves the camera onto Brando.

"We've got Brando cooking cheesy chicken fritters, with a tangy barbeque dip and potato salad," she says and then squeals, "that looks so effing good!"

He raises an eyebrow, scoldingly, at her and she rolls her eyes, "I said effing not the other word."

My phone pings from the island with a message and I look over at it.

Luca: I miss you

"Seriously?" I turn to him with a raised eyebrow seeing as he's sitting right next to me. He smiles at me, his eyes brightening, as he tucks a strand of my hair back.

"We've got Lucas being a simp here," Maya appears in my line of sight catching a love-struck Luca red-handed.

"Get that shit out of my face," he growls, pushing it away. Oh no, here comes another argument.

"Uh-uh," she tuts, "you can't be mean to me, remember? Or I'll tell-"

"She already knows," he says, nonchalantly.

"She does?!" Maya's jaw drops open. What is going on?

"Know what?" I ask Luca.

"That I'm in love with you," he replies and my stomach erupts in butterflies. Then, it's as if I'm shaken awake when I remember that we haven't told them yet.

"Oh my Gosh, I completely forgot!" I grab Luca's hand holding it up to all of them, "we're officially official from yesterday evening."

Maya bursts into a large fit of squeals and Luca pulls me onto his lap, burying his head in my neck to muffle the sound. The only thing I'm getting drunk on is him. Again, the butterflies explode ravenously.

"Finally," I hear Brando mumble.

"Wait, back up!" Marco holds his hands out wide and exclaims directly at Luca, "you're in love with her?!"

Luca responds to his melodrama by kissing my shoulder. His eyes flit to my midi dress and he tells me, "I like it when you wear dresses like this. It suits you."

I smile at him and peck him on his warm lips. Oh gosh, even that sends a spark right to my core. What is this man doing to me?

"What? You didn't know?" Maya snickers, focusing the camera on him.

"No!" Marco exasperates and then he gasps dramatically at Brando, "did you?"

"I was the one who told him he was in love with her," Brando casually shrugs, glancing back slightly at us.

"So everyone knew except me?!" Marco points at himself.

"Yes," Luca, Brando and Maya all say simultaneously.

"I couldn't risk telling you and having you blurt it out to her," Luca defends.

"Why is everyone speaking as if her is not in the room?" I frown, looking at all of them.

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