22 • Fearful

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I want to die. So badly.

My limbs are too tired, too weak, too heavy for me to move and I've been stuck like this ever since I woke up, which feels like forever ago. I'm cuddling the blackness of the hole so much, I pray it would just engulf me.

I was taken outside Andre's office. I went to tell him that I don't want to marry him anymore. It's cliche but I assured him, "it's not you, it's me."

When I left the building, they grabbed me, drugged me and threw me in the back of a van.

There's a bulb on the murky wall and I'm tempted to break it for the sharp shard of the glass. Not to break free from the restraints of the rope but from me.

Get the fuck out of my face, Rose.

You could go missing, run away again or get killed and it would not disturb a fraction of my day. I'd still have every piece of my mind.

He's probably sitting in his office, unbothered.

I can imagine him smoking a cigarette, smirking as he just negotiated his way into a new deal while I'm scared out of my mind, wrists sore from the tight grip of the rope, huddling myself and hoping that I would just die somehow.

I have no idea how much time has passed because I'm encased in this small...room?

It's empty with just one single mattress pushed into the corner of the room. There are no windows, no tables, nothing. Only me, tied up and hurled into a ball on this.

The only entrance is the door and I was passed out when they carried me in so I couldn't even analyse my surroundings. They injected me with something to knock me out and when I woke up I cried even harder because of the void in my stomach.

Have they killed my baby? That devil might see it as a burden but to me, this baby is my saviour. It's the one thing that I know will love me unconditionally and not use me.

If it was dead you would've been bleeding out blood clots. I sigh in relief but the pain in my chest constricts. Whether it's metaphorical or physical, I have no idea. It just hurts.

I push myself up with every little strength in me and manage to end up in a sitting position, resting against the cold wall.

The only hope I have of being saved is if they found that bracelet. I put in a minuscule tracker between the slots of the diamonds and linked it to my necklace, the two pieces of jewellery I wear all the time. When they grabbed me, the last thing I was able to do while I saw the train of darkness barrelling towards me was undo the clasp.

I didn't even feel it slip off. But I know it did because it's not on my wrist.

But what if they haven't found the bracelet?

What if the tracker fell out and is not even on the bracelet?

What if- I touch my neck and feel the cold metal of the necklace, releasing a tense breath. At least they didn't take that off me.

I'm just praying Oakley finds the tracker.

But if he does, he can't come here alone. It'll be too dangerous. And the devil made it crystal clear that he doesn't care about me. He won't help him.

Then, I have my brother and Marcus. But, they're only young. I'm scared for them.

A new cord of fear wraps around my heart, waiting dormant to be set on fire. A tear rolls down my cheek.

I feel so pathetic and useless. I hate feeling like this. It reminds me of how I felt after every encounter with Ricardo.

There's a jingling before I hear the key in a lock turning and the door scraping open, inviting a flood of light. It burns my eyes and I screw them close and push myself further into the wall.

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