10 • Defensive

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We need to get into Warren's room so I'm hot-wiring the key holder.

"Give me your credit card," I flutter my two fingers at him. When he doesn't reply, I sigh and look up at him from my crouched position, "it'll need to detect a card in there and I don't have my purse on me."

"Beckett has left the bar and is heading towards the main exit," Brando says over the earpiece and my eyes widen. He's coming up here. Frantically, I shake my empty hand.

Eventually, he pushes himself off the wall and reaches into his pocket, handing me a black card from his wallet. I place it between my teeth and squint, struggling to pull out a wire. His fingers brush my hair as I feel him slide a hair pin out and he holds it in front of my face.

I take it from him without looking up. Clipping the wire, I swipe his card through the key holder and there's a click. I smile up and his eyes glance between the key holder and mine in a lighter emotion.


It drops when he untucks his arms, displaying a keycard between his two fingers. He casually smirks like he didn't make me waste five minutes.

"Scuzo," I murmur, "could've told me instead of wasting my time." [asshole]

I stand and place the card between my mouth again, pulling a strand of my hair back and re-pinning it.

He darts his eyes back to me and I scrunch my features to see what he was looking at. Following his gaze, I realise he was staring directly at my shorts.

My ass, to be exact.

He only did that so he'd have a clear view of my ass. Annoyed, I snatch my blazer from his grip and put it back on, pulling my hair out.

"Cretino. I'm keeping this," [idiot] I declare, placing his card in my pocket. I go to push open the door but he pulls me back.

I'm scared he'll reach his hands into my pocket and retrieve his card back. I know for a fact that there are billions in that.

Instead, he squints at the door and grabs his gun, slowly pushing the door open. He walks in with his gun in front of him.

"Hey Oak, we're in the room." I press the button on the earpiece.

"Great. Be careful, Rose," he sighs.

"Beckett's gone. His car just drove off," Viper tells us.

Luca glances back at me and motions for me to come in. I do just that and say, "I'll get the information and meet you back at the cabin."

They all agree and I disconnect.

"Work your magic, bellissima," he hands me the laptop and I take a seat on the couch, plugging in the flash drive.

While I wait for it to start up, my eyes travel to Luca who leans against the desk with glass in hand, swallowing the contents of it.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I voice and then glance at him, "I take it, you're used to this."

A comfortable silence surrounds us, the only sound is the laptop motor and the tapping of the keyboard.

"Many people have been sent to kill me," he responds, glancing up at the ceiling, "and all of them have failed."

From this angle, it's as if I'm staring at a more defined, gorgeous version of his face. Holy hell, I forgot how attractive this man is.

"What if someone doesn't?" I look up at him and he tilts his head, glancing at me.

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