7 • Guilty

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The number of comments I got about how skinny I am made me feel so insecure. I kept my shawl wrapped around me the whole night.

Why can't people mind their own business?

When I walk through my front door, I slip my heels off and hold them by the straps roaming the quiet halls towards the kitchen. Rummaging through the pantry, I spot my comfort food which is a bag of fresh raspberry and white chocolate cookies and desperately grab it. Thank you, Lord.

I love these cookies, emphasis on the love. They're heaven.

As I'm devouring my cookies, there's muffled conversation coming from the sitting room and it sounds more than just Marcus, Calla and Dante. I halt in the doorway and my eyes cast over Dante, Calla, Marcus and Toby (his third in command) who are all scattered on the couches proudly in front of Luca, Brando, Oakley and Viper.

Why the hell is this man everywhere?

I literally saw him yesterday. And now he's sitting in my living room with his fitted dress shirt, gorgeous grey eyes and incredible body. I take it back, that is heaven. I could stare at him all day and never get bored. Hell, he could even throw me off a cliff and I'd still want him to rail me. Stop, you're not supposed to want to have sex with him.

I never said anything about not wanting to have sex with him. Of course, I do. It's just that we can't keep doing it for numerous amount of reasons.

1) we're being targeted and if us hooking up carries on, they could kill me to get back at him.

2) he's my dad's enemy and these people have proof which will have me buried six feet under.

3) I feel guilty that I keep using him as a distraction from my trauma.

4) He is Luca Armani! There's a possibility that he'll get bored of me and electrocute me to death.

3 out of 4 of these options end up with me being dead. This is why I can't keep having sex with him. No matter how much I want to. And trust me, I want to.

"Huh," I snap out of my daze when one of them call my name. Was I staring? I wish I wasn't. I'd rather be dead. I look over at Calla and her expression is not taunting meaning that I wasn't. Mentally, I sigh in relief that everyone did not just witness me gawking at him.

"How was the party?" Dante asks. "Okay," I mumble, my mind elsewhere. My hand gestures to the others in the room. This is going to turn into a brawl and I will not have a barrel to my head again.

"Everyone, put your weapons on the table," I address all of them, saying slowly and most of them look my way questioning my order but I raise an eyebrow at them.

I'm literally the least violent person here so it's not like I'd try anything.

Dante sighs heavily before taking his gun out and placing it on the table. Marcus and Toby are next, following Dante's lead. Oakley sends me a small smile doing the same action. Viper glances at Luca, who nods, and he puts his gun down. Luca glimpses at me over his shoulder but I don't meet it before he eventually copies everyone's actions too. Lastly, Brando's icy stare makes me uneasy before he huffs, pulling out his two blades and placing them on the table.

"Now that she's here, we can get started," the murderer himself replies and shifts his position, lifting his hips, all the while his eyes are on me.

Oh Lord. I hide the way I gulped when he did that. There's only one way I'm going to get through this and that is by not looking at him.

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