6 • Ruthless

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Fucking friends.

Are you joking?

I've fucked her. I've tasted her. She rode me. And she's doesn't even know the things I imagine doing to her. I fucking need to do with her. But she just wants to be friends.

Rosa is the only woman to have ever turned me on. The only woman that I do not feel the urge to want to pierce a bullet in her skull. The only woman I want to fuck. The only woman I am deeply attracted to. Even the thought of her has blood rushing to my cock.

The way she rode me was impeccable. Couldn't get it out of my head for the past two days. The melody at which she moaned my name, the silky smooth feel of her naked skin under my fingers, the sweet addictive taste of her mouth. If her mouth tastes that good, I wonder how her pussy will taste.

Pride swells me when I realise that I've fucked the woman whose name has been on everyone's disgusting lips. The whole of the male, and female, population of California have erupted knowing that she's back.

Now, she's my friend. I hate that word. I've never had a friend and the first one I have, I want to fuck her so hard that she'll regret ever calling me that.

For the past five years, all I have heard are these consistent, crude comments about how hot and fuckable Rose Romano is, and they all stemmed from her body. But I know that she splendidly fits my cock.

And what an exceptional body she has. I could fuck her all day without getting bored. I wouldn't choose any other woman to sleep with after my hiatus. I knew she was the daughter of Ricardo Romano but Ricardo was utterly careful never to show his daughter to me or my father, before she left.

After conducting further research, I found out she took a business trip around Europe. Except, I know it wasn't a business trip, it was to get away from her piece of shit father.


"What?" I snap.

"He's still refusing," Mancini informs me and I glare at the traitor in the chair. I turn to Rosa and say, "do what you must. If you need anything, let me know." She nods her head with a small smile and Atkins leads her over to the laptop. Rosa hoists herself up on the desk, placing it in her lap.

I don't know what the fuck this place is. It's not even ours. Mancini caught this guy so he and Viper brought him here.

"What is she doing here?" Viper queries, flitting his malicious eyes to her, "I mean I'm not complaining or anything."

"I suggest keeping your disgusting mouth shut. You were the one in charge of my drug warehouses and they got fucking raided. You're in no fucking position to ask questions." I glower my eyes at him and he looks away, meaninglessly reorganising the already organised weapons on the table.

"I don't trust-" Mancini begins but a whistle cuts him off. We all look over to Rosa and she places a finger to her lips. Then, she quickly types something on the laptop and turns it over displaying the words, 'they're listening'. My eyes direct to the man's phone which she unplugs from the laptop and hands to Mancini. He throws it on the floor and picks up the hammer, smashing it into pieces.

When I look back at her, she shakes her head and types something else on the laptop, 'RF hasn't changed'.

RF as in radiofrequency, I'm assuming. Our phones. They emit microwaves which affect radiofrequency. I take my phone out from my pocket and hold it up in the air then nod to the door. Atkins takes it from me, adds his own and goes around the room collecting everyone else's. He disappears out of the room before returning. This time when I turn to her, she nods her head saying, "frequency is 0."

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