Places O' Residence

792 28 13

T/W: not having enough to eat, being homeless, drinking, car crash, crime, bad parenting 

POV: Grian

Finally, after just barely suppressing my instincts for two hours(OND is longer than the other classes for educational reasons)(also I needed it to be substantial amount of time or else it feels weird) I walk out of the room, feigning exhaustion, and walk to my next class.


Eventually, it's time to head home. My last class is dismissed, and I walk out of the school, a feeling of relief washing over me.

I check to make sure no one is fallowing or watching me, then I take off down the street. I know running is suspicious, but I need to move, or else I swear I will explode. And trust me, I can.

I bolt down the street, going as fast as I can without drawing attention. Soon, I reach my 'place of residence' as I call it, and walk into the alley, where I sit down on the stack of cardboard boxes that serves as my bed.

I hug my knees to my chest, listening to my stomach grumbling, trying to ignore the chill in the fall air.

I shudder to think that winter is coming soon. I'm cold now, even with the alley as my wind block and a sweater.

I remove a brick from the wall behind me and pull out the small bit of cash and coins hidden there. I count it. "$3.47." I mutter to myself. No dinner tonight.

I struggle to think when I last ate, other than school. Eventually, I give up, just deciding on 'some time ago', and curling up on the makeshift bed under an old window curtain that passes as a blanket.

POV change: Mumbo

I walk out of the school building, heading home. As soon as I open the door, I'm bombarded with questions. "How are you?" "Are you hurt?" "How was school?" What happened?" "Why do you look upset? Was it those bullies again?" I shove off my parent's questions. They do this EVERY DAY! They are WAY too overprotective. I know why. That's not the problem. The problem isn't even that it embarrasses me, which it does, for the record. The problem is that they didn't care a f*ck about me before John and Alex died.

John and Alex were twins. John, a boy, Alex, a girl. They died six years ago, when I was ten. They were perfect, teacher's pets, and each got a scholarship for college because of John's 'amazing performance in literally EVER SPOT ON THE PLANET' and Alex's 'award winning PvP skills'.

As you can imagine, my parents where proud af, and that was justified. What wasn't justified is that before they died, I was someone, no, someTHING to fix, like the fact that I was basically the least coordinated person on the planet was something that would just fix itself over night, or with enough mistreatment.

Eventually, after blaming ME for the car crash that killed the twins, even though I know for a fact that the two of them had been braking rules left, right, and down side up(they they had boy/girl friends, Alex was gay, John got drunk on a regular basis, they both cheated on exams(they were terrible at academics) they snuck out just about ever night to go to this party or that one, and they had both committed minor crimes), they were somehow perfect and the victim, while I was a rule follower, a strait A student, (except for sports and OND)and top of my class, I was the one to blame.

Well, back on track, the point is that after they died, the police investigated and found out that they had done all of this bad stuff, breaking several laws, and my parents were at first like 'our sweet little perfect twins couldn't possibly' but eventually the police were proven correct, and my parents have been overprotective ever since.

I know my parents were wrong, your athletic ability doesn't define your personality, but I'm still VERY anxious about it. And that's why I wear a suit. 'Dress to impress' is what I always tell myself.

Anyway, i head upstairs to my room, sitting down at my desk to think about everything that happened today, and to puzzle over one thing in particular: Grian.

I write down everything I know on a whiteboard I use for school projects, then make columns for things like 'what I know' 'what I want to know' 'ideas/theories' and 'other'.

In 'what I know', I write down everything on my list, then erase the original. Next, in 'what I want to know' i right down all my questions. In 'ideas/theories', I put possible explanations. And, finally, in 'other', I put anything that doesn't fit in the above columns.

I read a lot of mysteries. What can I say?

After dinner, I return to my work. That night, I fall asleep at my desk.

820 words. 

Written 6/12/2022(American date)

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