Chapter 17 [part 1]

Start from the beginning

He told me how he met Polar, a little boy with red curls who quietly began to follow him everywhere. Rayn was later, only that he met him because he stole from him.

'I thought I would kill him, but I made him my right hand instead.'

The fairy siblings were orphans, and joined him more out of fear than need. They forged their personalities from the trust that being with someone like Caelus gave them.

He even told me about Tryx.

'She hated us, the only one she liked was Polar. But that's because it's impossible for anyone to dislike Polar.'

He never mentioned the name Lexiana, and I didn't remind him of it. I was keeping my promise.

But for Aylyn I hadn't promised anything.

'Aylyn? She was one of the fears you saw there. I was ten years old when I met her. She and little Rao were literally in cages. They had been sold to be workers in the mills and I couldn't leave them there. I set them free...'

He was silent for so long that I thought he would not speak any more.

But then he simply continued.

'The guards caught us, and the monster exploded. When I woke up the guards were down, but so was little Rao. Aylyn refused to tell me if it was me or the guards, but I was always afraid it was me.'

'Look Caelus, I don't know Aylyn that well, but from what I saw of her, she wouldn't hide a truth from you. It's not like her to hide truths. Rao wasn't your fault.'

'That's the problem with having this curse, that I never really know if it was my fault or not, it's a nightmare. That's why the spirits decided to throw it in my face.'

'You'll be able to fight them this time, I assure you.'

'If only I had the same faith in myself that you have in me...'

It was very difficult to understand my feelings.

It still didn't seem to me to be anything like love. It was so different from what I had felt with Russell. But I couldn't hide what I felt, it was something beyond me, it was something I couldn't explain in words.

Not yet.

The week went by, and the day of the test came.

I can't say I was ready, because I really wasn't, I was just anxious to get it over with and I was glad to have Caelus by my side.

This time the rock did move.

We descended in silence, as if all the words had gone out of us as we stood in that place of terror.

When we reached the fairy, she greeted us with a smile from ear to ear.

'I've been waiting for you.'

Before she could say anything else to unsettle us, I beat her to her tricks.

'I'll go first.'

'Are you sure dear?'

I looked at Caelus.

'Yes, let's do it.'

We followed the same path, until we reached the same place.

But nothing was really the same.

This time we knew what we were up against, which didn't help us at all.

I sat down, taking a deep breath.

'I'm right here,' Caelus said to me. 'Right here behind you.'

I nodded without looking at him, mentally preparing myself for what was to come.

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