The Birthday Party

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He opened it, reading for a moment before he groaned. "I missed your birthday."

"I didn't exactly tell you." I shrugged, "Besides, the party is this weekend and I know you don't ship out again until next week, so you have plenty of time to go shopping. And I know Will would be grateful if you came to the party, as would I."

"I don't suppose my presence would be enough of a present?" He chuckled, tucking the invitation away.

I sighed, "I suppose, although I am interested to see what you might bring. I was hoping to find Mr. Lowe here, did he get transferred?"

"Yes, to the Medic. Poor sod, the Australia run is a long one." Charles leaned in closer, "He's especially sore, he's got a girl back in Britain and he managed to get her to agree to marry him. Won't be till next year, and he still doesn't know if he'll get back on a shorter route after."

I grinned, whispering back. "Perhaps he could arrange for a cabin for her on the ship, I'm sure he would enjoy sailing with his wife."

"Yes, but she might not take to it as well as you would." He chuckled, "And don't worry Anastasia, I will be at the party. However on the gift, I shall have to see." A White Star clerk quickly shooed me off, since it was readily apparent that I was not there to purchase a ticket. I didn't mind too much, it gave me time to stop by the Fields house. Abe had sent around a flower arrangement on my actual birthday, so it was not that odd for me to stop by to offer my thanks.

Morgan quickly had me ensconced in their dining room, one of the little ones on my knees. Rachel thought my hat great fun to play with as I talked to her mother. "Really Morgan, you don't have to bring anything. It's just going to be a small party."

"You've turned twenty-six and you have a fiancé, pardon me if I think that might be a milestone in your life and warrant some kind of marker." She snorted, Mary on her own lap. "The question is what to get you, I highly doubt you've proceeded beyond my lessons with William."

I blushed at that, "Morgan, your children."

"They have no idea what I'm talking about." She chuckled, turning to Mary. "What would you think if I told you that I had to tell Anastasia how to kiss?"

Mary screwed up her face. "That's foul, Mama. Are you two just going to talk about kissing boys?"

"We might, would you two like to stay for that?" Morgan smiled as the two of them made almost identical sounds of disgust, instead choosing to run off and play with Rigel. He seemed perfectly willing to allow them to tug on his paws as much as they liked. "Now that they're settled, really Anastasia I'm going to be rather put out if you wind up going to your marriage bed a perfect little virgin. You know how to prevent pregnancy now, and surely you and Will have tried things beyond what I taught you." She took a sip of her water. "Have you even let him in you?"

I was quite certain my face was flaming. "I am not discussing this." I stood, brushing down my skirt so I didn't have to meet her face. "Please come to the party, as many of you as can make it." Before she had a chance to say anything in reply I was calling Rigel to me and heading back for the carriage. I was still flushed as I settled myself on the bench. Of course I would go to my bridal bed a virgin, even if it was a damned nuisance. But if I didn't, it would disappoint Mother. And while Will would no doubt enjoy it, I know it would disappoint him too. Coming back home to an empty bed left me sighing, and with Rigel on his pillow, it was even worse. Peggy had made it very clear that if Will was to be allowed his nighttime visits, even when he wasn't here, Rigel was to not be in my bed. Or in my dressing room. So I was huddled in my bed, under my blankets, wishing that Will was here.

I missed his touch, I missed the feeling of him under me as we rubbed against each other. I wanted him on top of me, his tongue on me, and my legs wrapped around him. Sometimes I grew so frustrated and wanted him so badly that even my own touch couldn't satisfy. I tossed and turned, my mind conjuring up what it would actually feel like when he took me. Which meant that when Will arrived in later that week, and I was unable to meet him due to having to go over the menu for the party with the cook, I practically dragged him into the bedroom. He didn't even have a chance to put his bag on his bed, as soon as I had gotten word that he had arrived I had fled the kitchen and took the stairs three at a time. He had just put his hand on the doorknob to his room when I had flung myself at him. His bag had clattered to the floorboards, and he didn't have a chance to speak before I had my tongue in his mouth. He pulled back, "Ana, God, what brought this about?"

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