Start from the beginning

"You're asking me to throw everything I remember about him away?" Oliver shouted. "How could you do that?"

"No, we're not," Iris corrected quickly. "We're not asking you to forget him or anything of that sort, we're asking you to pull yourself up and actually live. Truly honor his memory."

Oliver finally just collapsed into their arms.

They were right.

He pushes himself back into being social again, trying to find that missing happiness. It didn't come quickly, but it starts to feel more normal. The ache does not go away, but it lessens.

He feels that he can finally breathe without this massive pain holding him down.

One day, however, something is terribly wrong. Both cities are in chaos, people were terrified.

They work to stop the threat, and manage to capture the person behind it.

This woman comes so easily, so smugly, that Oliver is questioning if she was planning something.

Cisco, Caitlin, and Diggle stand with him in front of her cell as they interrogate her.

She just smiled, sliding down into a sitting position on the floor, folding her hands across her lap.

"Mr. Queen," she says softly, her voice silky as she moves a piece of her dark brown hair. "I'm simply a messenger, a guide if you will. I have been sent here to tell that Barry Allen is in fact alive. I have been instructed to take you to him."

Oliver feels his gut wrench and his heart stop. No, she had to be lying. "That isn't true, Barry Allen is dead."

She shakes her head, pushing herself into standing position. "No, you're wrong. Mr. Allen is in fact alive."

"We would have found him by now if he was," Diggle says gruffly, placing a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "She's trying to get in your head, man."

Cisco nods. "She obviously knows that any information regarding Barry would rattle us."

The woman simply sighs. "Believe what you might, Mr. Ramon, but I am telling the truth. If you don't believe me, let me out and I'll show you."

"She's trying to get in our heads so we'll do what she wants," Caitlin says, turning to them. Her eyes turn frosty. "I recommend we go now."

Oliver steps forward, opening the door to the cell.


"You will show us Barry's location and then lead us there. If you are lying or trying to trick us, I will not hesitate to break my no killing rule. Understood?"

The woman nods shakily, walking slowly as they led her to the Cortex. She tells something to Cisco, who follows whatever she said, typing it in the monitors.

After a few seconds, the monitors beep, zooming in on a secluded area in the northern hemisphere, showing Barry's speed force signature.

"There you are, my dears," the woman says, clasping her hands together. "Barry Allen's location."

Oliver bites his lip. "Suit up, we've got a speedster to save."


Barry is an unconscious form in front of them.

His hair is still short and his face is well-shaven, but he's  thinner than Oliver remembered. Wherever they were had certainly taken its toll on the speedster.

Quickly instructing Diggle to pick Barry up and for Cisco to breach them all home, Oliver tightens his grip on his bow as he keeps his eyes well trained on Barry. He's afraid the speedster will evaporate into thin air any second.

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