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Summary: request from FlashKween!

Love you. Bestie!

Barry and Oliver met in Star City when Barry came to help with an unusual case. Oliver fell for Barry right away. Nine months later, after Barry awakes from his coma, he goes to see Oliver.

And Oliver's not the most supportive, but that's just because he cares.


Oliver watched as young man crouched over the crime scene. He had to admit, the guy was pretty good looking from where he was standing.

"I'm sorry," Detective Lance said, gaining the man's attention. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing at my crime scene?"

The man smiled as he stood up, pulling off his black gloves easily, like, he'd done it a million times before.

The man pulled out a badge. "Hi, I'm Barry Allen, and I'm a CSI from the CCPD. Captain Singh sent me here to help."

Oliver looked over at Felicity, who was awestruck by this Barry. Oliver admitted he was too.

Oliver looked back at the man, staring at him. He looked so young, almost twelve, but he was clearly in his twenties.

Oliver reached out a hand. "My name's-"

"Oliver Queen," Barry finished, shaking his hand. "Yeah, I know who you are, Mr. Queen. I see you on the news all the time."

Oliver smiled. "Well, I guess that makes sense."

Barry smiled back, nodding. "I should get back to work."

"Felicity can help you run the DNA and stuff," Oliver said, nudging Felicity forward.

Barry shrugged. "Sure. But I pretty much have it handled."


Oliver had been curious about Barry, and asked Diggle to look into it. Diggle happily obliged, but a day later, he came to talk to Oliver.

Oliver saw on Diggle's face that it wasn't good news. It definitely wasn't good news.

Diggle told Oliver the truth. Everything.

Barry wasn't a CSI, he was an assistant, and his boss didn't know that he was here.

Oliver sighed. He'd hoped Barry could be a person who was actually truthful. After all, wasn't central city all sunshine and rainbows? As much as Oliver didn't want to question the guy, he needed to find out the real reason Barry was here.

He didn't need his team getting hurt, or anyone in his city, for that matter.

He opened the door to where Felicity and Barry were talking. They looked up at him.

Oliver sighed, trying to pull out his anger, but for some reason, he just couldn't. "You're lying about everything you've said."

Barry looked at him, confounded. "I'm sorry?"

"You're not a CSI, you're an assistant. And your boss has no idea that you're here," Oliver explained solemnly. He managed a little anger as he stepped toward Barry. "So what are you really doing here in my city, and what do you plan to do?"

Barry licked his lips, sighing. "When I was eleven, my mother was murdered."

Felicity gasped.

"It was late, and I was awoken by a loud bang and crashing," Barry plunged on, his tone sad and cold. Oliver watched him sadly. "I went down stairs and was blinded by these bright lights, and my mom shouting at me to leave. And suddenly, I was ten blocks away from our house. And when I came back to it, my dad was being arrested for her murder." He played with his hands. "I knew he didn't do it, but ever since then, I've chased down impossible cases, and now I'm here because of him."

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