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Summary: Oliver finally works up the courage to ask Barry out. Nuff said.

He was going to do it! He was finally going to ask out his crush. Oliver Queen had been battling with himself for months on whether he should ask Barry out. Barry Allen, the lovable, adorable, smart speedster. The Flash.

But with their busy lives as superheroes, Oliver had managed to find every excuse not to. It was driving his team crazy, and they really wanted him to do it so all of this craziness would end.

Oliver had kept putting it off after he talked with them, but something major had happened to him a while ago, and it was a wake up call to him, that he needed to talk with Barry.

He stood in the Arrow Cave with Diggle and Felicity, playing with his hands. Barry was going to be there any moment to drop off something for them.

"Will you stop worrying?" Felicity snapped from her computer. "I can't think with you brooding over there."

"Sorry," Oliver said, rolling his shoulders. "I just don't want to-"

"Mess up your friendship with Barry," Felicity finished. "We know, Oliver. But Barry's a great guy, who'd never let that happen, okay? So please, just try."

Oliver smiled at her, but before he could speak, a flash of lightning and a gust of wind entered the room.

Barry was standing there in his Flash. He pulled down his cowl, grinning. "Hey, guys." He handed a bag to Felicity. "As requested."

Felicity beamed at him as she accepted the bag. She nudged Oliver with her arm before speaking, "thanks, Barry. Uh...." She coughed. "Dig, can you come me with this... thing over here?"

Diggle nodded and gave a knowing look to Oliver. He and Felicity walked away, leaving Oliver and Barry alone.

Oliver sighed, trying to wake up his famous courage. "Hey, Barry?" He said. "Can I ask you something?"

Barry turned to him, a small smile on his face. "Of course, Oliver. Go ahead."

Oliver took a breath. It was now or never. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

Barry blinked. "As in a date?" He asked.

Oliver felt his face growing hot. "It doesn't have to be a date!" He exclaimed. "I'd never want you to feel uncomfortable, but...."

"No!" Barry said, and Oliver flinched slightly. Barry licked his lips. "I mean, yes, Oliver. I'll go a on a date without it you. Why wouldn't I? See you at six tomorrow?"

Oliver nodded. "See you at six."

Barry grinned before flashing away. Oliver smiled to himself as Felicity and Dig came back over. Felicity smacked him. "Finally."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Anyway," he said, trying to change the subject. "Let's hop onto patrol."

- -

"No, no."

Oliver was in his room at the Queen Mansion with Thea, trying to pick out an outfit, and Thea was being her usual helpful self.

Oliver sighed as he tossed another outfit onto the pile of rejects. "Will I ever find anything that suits you, Thea?"

Thea smirked, shrugging as she leaned back into his pillows. "Hey, Felicity told me Barry's taste, so, of course, I'm going to judge you harshly. You want to look perfect, then find what you thinks suits Barry and yourself."

Oliver bit his lip as he searched through his outfits. Until the right thing caught his eye, Barry's favorite color. Red. How had he not thought of this before? He grabbed the shirt and pants, showing them to Thea.

Thea nodded lightly, looking up from her phone. "Wow..." she said, awestruck. "That's perfect. How did we not think of Barry's favorite color?" She folded her hands. "Go put it on, lover boy."

Oliver rolled his eyes slightly before going to change into the outfit.

Five minutes later, he adjusted his sleeve as he made his way back to Thea. "Well, what do you think?"

Thea smiled at him warmly. "It's perfect, Ollie." She chuckled as Oliver watched her face. "Don't worry, Barry'll love it." She checked her watch. "Oh, you need to go, if you plan to meet Barry on time."

Oliver smiled back at her, giving her a quick hug before running out of the Mansion.

- -

Oliver stood outside of the restaurant he'd chosen for the night. Barry was scheduled to be there within the next several minutes.

He heard a gust of wind and saw Barry standing there, holding flowers. "Hey," Barry said kindly, holding the flowers out to Oliver. "These are for you."

Oliver took them gratefully and offered Barry his feee hand. They entered the restaurant, which was decorated quite nicely.

They were seated at a table and were looking at their menus. "You know," Barry said, glancing up from his menu. "It took a lot of guts to do that."

Oliver looked at him confused. "Guts to do what?"

Barry chuckled slightly, setting down his menu. "Asking me out, Oliver."

Oliver nodded. "Oh. Yeah. I've been wanted to do this for a while."

They ordered their food and chatted for a while, trying to know each other more than just as superheroes and friends. At the end of the meal, Barry pulled Oliver into an alleyway. He pressed a firm kiss onto Oliver's lips. "This was fun."

Oliver smiled, kissing him back. "Will you be my boyfriend, Barry?"

"Of course," Barry said. He held up his hand "I want to show you something." He focused on his hand, channeling his lightning into it, which turned into a flower and then an bow an arrow. "You and me. We're two sides of the same coin. Light and dark. We're flipping endlessly on harmony." He kissed Oliver again. "And that makes us compatible."

Oliver chuckled in awe. "Flash and Arrow, huh? Oliver and Barry."

"Not Flash and Arrow," Barry said to him. "That's a mouthful."

"Well, what did you have in mind?"


Oliver smiled. "Okay, well, want to watch a movie bar my place?"

"Thought you'd never ask," Barry said, lacing his hand through Oliver's.


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