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Summary: Barry takes a major step to save the love of his life, Oliver Queen.

Warning; blood.


"No, no, no!!" Barry cried as Oliver's eyes locked with his. "I won't let you die, Oliver Queen! You can't leave me!"

Oliver stared at him as the wraiths flew at them. The Monitor was about to zap him away. "Barry, please, I love you, and I'm doing this for you."

Barry sighed, feeling the electricity at his fingertips. "And I'm doing this for you." He shoved Oliver back, his eyes electrifying as his speed activated. "Monitor, don't you dare touch me." He closed his eyes. "Please, Speed Force, take Oliver to our friends. For me, I'm sacrificing myself for the crisis."

"Barry." He heard Oliver's whisper as he opened his eyes, seeing Oliver disintegrate from lighting wrapping around his body.

"It is done, my beautiful boy. Good luck."

Barry smiled sadly. He had to make this choice.

For Oliver, for his friends.

He turned back to see the surrounding wraiths. "Let's have some fun." He leaned down, readying himself, for what could be the final time, to run.


Oliver crumbled to the ground as he landed on his earth.

Barry, stupid, heroic Barry Allen.

"Oliver," Kara said. "Where's Barry?" She helped him up and over to a chair.

Oliver blew air out of his mouth, his bow falling out of his hand. "He stayed behind. He chose me over him." He buried his face in his hands.

Kara gripped his shoulder. "He'll be okay, Ollie. You know it, I know it. He's Barry, the Flash. He's the impossible," she said, trying to smile. "He can do the impossible."

They sit in silence for a long while, waiting for the Monitor to return.

He never does.

They hear a gust of wind and turn to see Barry there, cowl down, his face covered in cuts and bruises.

His suit was torn, and he was stumbling toward them, his breathing ragged.

Oliver rushed forward, catching Barry in his arms. "Woah, Bar," he said, steadying him.

Kara brought over a medical bed, and helped Barry onto it. They had contacted Sara and the The Legends.

Kate and everyone else was waiting with them.

Oliver squeezed Barry's hand, encouraging him to stay awake with mumbled words.

Finally, they got him into the Waverider. Barry smiled at Oliver. "I said you couldn't leave me, Babe, and I made sure of it."

Oliver smiled back, placing a gentle kiss on his head. "When this is all over, Bar, we're going to get married."

Barry chuckled, his eyes drooping. "You bet your ass we are," he said, shutting his eyes.

Gideon ushered them out, shutting the door behind them.


Barry was okay, everyone was okay, and they'd only lost one person: another flash.

They had restarted the multiverse, but because Barry had still been recovering when the monitor had sent them away, his speed had glitched, leaving him weaker than normal.

Caitlin estimated it would take at least a year for Barry's speed to be back to full strength.

In the meantime, they had other things to do, like getting married.

The wedding bells rang, and Oliver watched as the door swung open.

His breath caught in his throat as Joe and Iris walked Barry down the aisle. Barry was so handsome in his black suit, while Oliver sported his tuxedo.

Barry made his way up onto the alter. "You're not leaving me, Oliver Queen."

The minister officiated the wedding, and before you knew it, the two had leaned in to lock lips.

They'd done it.

They were officially married, and were never leaving each other, ever again.


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