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Part two of my invasion!


They stared at him as he lay unconscious on the table.

He was so close, on the brink of giving in. He had a stronger mind than others, faster to detect something was wrong. His gift made him more vulnerable.

Luckily, they didn't need to be warm all the time, so the room was colder than it should have been. The ship that they had hidden there on Earth would be their greatest asset.

They could feel it. The time in the pod had projected what they needed to destroy him.



The darkness was closing in.

Barry could feel it. The shadows slithered around him, the temperature drop. His lightning only lit so much, and it only warmed him so far. His will to keep fighting was waning.

Thoughts of doubt were sounding in his mind, cooing to him to let go.

Stuff like: let go. You'll be safer, happier.

He hoped Oliver and his friends would come, but those voices quickly abolished that.

He didn't know.

He'd chosen this. This was his penance, his punishment.

He shrugged, wrapping his arms closer to himself as he pulled his knees in. His cowl was pulled down, breathing rapidly.

He was being mentally tortured. The Dominators were trying to break. His speed curled around him, telling him to focus on one thing.

He picked the one thing he could trust. Oliver.

He breathed in and out, and sure enough, the voices and thoughts began to fade.

He let out a side of relief, but then it came back harder, shattering his thoughts.

At that moment, his hope shattered, so was his confidence, his trust. There was no point. He knew his friends weren't coming for him. They hated him.

They just wanted to use him.

His fists curled tightly.

Why not give in? He'd already lost everything that had ever meant something to him.

So he did.


Oliver didn't process getting back on the Waverider, and he didn't realize they'd reached the warehouse.

He only realized they'd made it back when Felicity struck him across the face. He barely flinched but blinked slightly.

"Oh, good," Felicity said, "you've decided to pull your head out of your ass."

Oliver stared at her. "Where are we at scanning?" He said, ignoring her comment.

Felicity sighed, realizing he was just going to be stubborn. "We're scanning everywhere within the cities," she said. "If they are anywhere near here, we'll know."

Oliver nodded firmly. "Good." He stalked away, his steps echoing loudly.

"Where are you going?" Felicity called to him.

"To train."


Kara lowered herself slightly, sliding under Oliver. He twisted, moving his legs as he grabbed her suit, flinging her away.

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