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Summary: Barry's been very depressed lately, and when Oliver finds him in Fiji, he knows what he has to do.

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!


Barry wasn't himself.

He had been sad, depressed, and had become reclusive towards everyone.

Oliver had noticed the Flash's absence from both cities lately, and Barry had been MIA. He'd made calls but hadn't gotten much. But then tonight, Oliver had received a message from Caitlin that a robbery was taking place, and Barry was nowhere near to stop it.

Oliver had asked to be breached to the Central City, saving it himself. He asked Team Flash firmly one last time to tell him where Barry was, and at that moment, they cracked.

Cisco had told him the location of Barry before breaching him there, throwing an extrapolator to help him get back if Barry was unwilling. Oliver was on a beach in Fiji, the sun was setting against the ocean current. Couples were spread out along the beach, close together, staring at the beautiful artwork of nature in front of them.

Oliver walked along the beach, eventually, finding a set of stairs that led to a dock, and at the very end of the dock was Barry.

Oliver saw Barry leaning against the railing, frowning in thought as he watched the sunset.

"Barry?" Oliver said, joining him.

Barry's blue eyes flickered to his. "Hey, Oliver. I've been expecting you."

Oliver put his hands on the railing. "What is going on with you, Barry?" he asked softly. "You've been MIA for the past two weeks, and it's Christmas Eve." he reached a hand to graze Barry's. "You missed a robbery today. I had to stop it."

Barry's frown deepened. "Shit, I'm sorry, Ollie. I've been so out of it."

Oliver nodded, holding up the extrapolator. "As your boyfriend, I need to ask you to come home. Not just for me or the cities, but yourself." His voice was as warm as could be.

Barry inclined his head, wrapping his fingers around Oliver's. "I'm there."

Oliver smiled, clicking the extrapolator.


It was three hours until Christmas, and Barry had stopped at least seventeen crimes since Oliver had gotten him to come home. Oliver had been there in the field with him, trying to keep his head in the game.

At the end of the night, when all had become quiet, they saw it. Central and Star City had combined their symbols, shining them in the night sky, similar to Batman. The two were on top of a building, holding hands.

They grinned at each other, and for Barry, that was his first real smile for a while. Returning to Central City, Caitlin showed them the combined news report of the two cities.

"Both cities have banded together this holiday season to give back to the heroes who have fought so hard to save us. Flash, Arrow, if you're watching this, thank you. Happy Holidays. This contribution was headed by both the CCPD and SCPD."

Barry chuckled as Joe walked into the room. "So, Barry, Oliver, you like your Christmas gift?" He asked.

Barry wrapped his arms around Joe immediately. "It's perfect, Joe. I don't know what to say."

Joe gave him a satisfied look. "You two might also be gaining a Christmas carol and a holiday parade. I hope you don't mind a city appearance," He said to Oliver.

Oliver shrugged, wrapping his arm around barry's waist. "Hey, it's Christmas, and I'm all for it." He looked at Barry. "You?"

Barry nodded. "Obviously."


They headed home, bundling up in blankets next to the fire and sipping mugs of cocoa and champagne.

Barry confessed that he was feeling the pain of his dad's recent death even harder now, mostly because he never got a Christmas with him since he was eleven. It had always made him lonely.

Oliver pulled him into a kiss. "You have me, and our friends. We are your family."

Barry smiled, pulling the blanket closer. "I do, don't I?"


The day of Christmas was loud as the Flarrow parade took place in Central City. Many Starling City citizens came to see it as well, so the park was jam-packed with people.

The mayor of both cities spoke of the greatness of the two heroes.

Barry and Oliver made their amazingly improvised entrance, gaining applause from the audience.  The mayors presented the carolers who had composed a song for the two. Barry and Oliver watched with admiration, hands swinging next to one another.

"And finally," the mayor of Central City said, gaining everyone's attention. "Our final act of appreciation for the Green Arrow and Flash, our saviors, we present this monument to always remind us that they are our heroes." He nodded to Eddie and Singh, who stood by a massive object covered in a sheet.

Eddie saluted, grasping the sheet, as did Singh. In one swift movement, the sheet fell, revealing a twenty-foot tall statue of Barry and Oliver, side by side. It was made out of a beautiful white rock but was colored with different rocks to push out their suits. Red for Barry and green for Oliver.

Oliver gasped while Barry covered his mouth.

"Another version of this statue resides in Star City as well," Star City's mayor said happily. He looked at Flash and Arrow as they joined hands. "So, thank you again."

Barry nodded as did Oliver.

"We have kept our heroes longer than expected," the mayor of Central City boomed. "We cannot ask them to stay any longer, as they have a duty to uphold."

Oliver took this moment to fire a grappling arrow on top of city hall, flying away into the air. Barry inclined his head slightly before lightning covered him, and he was gone.

They stood on top of the hall, waving for one moment before disappearing for good.


"That was a pretty amazing Christmas gift," Barry commented as they fell onto their bed.

"It was," Oliver agreed, running his hand through Barry's hair.

"I can think of something better," Barry whispered, kissing Oliver's lips gently.

Their watches beeped.

"Duty calls."

Barry stood from the bed, pulling Oliver along with him. "Come on, Ollie. Saving our cities is one of the best gifts we can give."


A/N: This may suck, but I wanted to get something out. Happy holidays!

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