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Oliver's reaction when he hears about the singularity opening over Central City.

"A black hole has opened above Central City," a reporter said over the tv. "Just moments ago, the Flash was seen running into it. We can only hope our hero can save us."

Oliver stood in the Arrow Cave, his team by his side. It had only been a few hours since he'd left Central City. Barry had basically just destroyed it.

He picked up his bow, fingering the string as he watched the events play out on the tv.

His boyfriend was in the middle of a black hole. It had been a slow relationship. Only blossoming after Barry had come to Starling a few months ago. But that didn't stop Oliver from worrying about Barry. Even with his powers, Barry was risking his very life.
That was the meaning of hero, putting others, their lives, before your own.

"We have heard reports that the Flash is falling from the sky as the singularity closes," the reporter said. "We pray that he is alright and we send our thanks for risking his life for ours."

"We need to go to Central City—now," Oliver said firmly.

"That's what I figured," Felicity and Diggle said together.


The soft sound of the heart monitor beeping was what worried Team Arrow as they rushed into Star Labs. Oliver came in blazing, ready to fight anyone. He had things to do, sure, but right now, Barry came first.

"Where is he?" Oliver demanded as he strode into the Cortex.

Iris, Joe, Ronnie, Stein, Caitlin, and Cisco all looked up from where they were in the Cortex.

"In the med bay," Caitlin answered calmly. "I don't understand, why are you guys here?"

"We saw the news," Felicity explained, adjusting the grip on her coat.

"Let me go see my boyfriend," Oliver ordered, handing his things to Diggle. "How is he?"

"He's exhausted, mostly," Cisco piped up as Caitlin wandered back into the med bay to make sure the speedster was stable. "He passed out in the middle of the singularity, after it closed. He was falling too fast, so Firestorm had to catch him."

"He was hit by some debris as he fell, so a couple minor injuries that you needn't worry about," Caitlin added as she reentered the room, holding her tablet. She projected his vitals onto the monitors. "Everything is stable, but I'd recommend waiting before you go in there, Oliver. We don't know the full extent of what his speed may do."

"I'm sorry?" Oliver asked, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Has he lost control of it?"

Caitlin bit her lip. "No, something was activated in him when he went back in time. It seemed to take control when he passed out."

"It almost zapped Mr. Raymond and myself halfway across the city," Stein added. "I'd wait if I were you, Mr. Queen."

Oliver sighed, running his hands through his hair, exasperated. Barry would know how to calm him in this situation.

Minutes dragged by as they stared at his vitals and the city wide feed, making sure everything was okay.

Finally, the words came from Caitlin's mouth. "He's awake."


Barry's cowl was pulled down, his hair a mess. He was blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the light. Cuts and bruises were spewed on his face, dried blood encrusted on his suit.

Oliver felt his heart lurch as he saw the speedster in front of him. His boyfriend, his everything, looking so damaged. The same man who had pulled Oliver out of that rut all those months ago.

"You can go in and see him at anytime," Caitlin was saying. "Just be cautious."

According to her, Barry had seemingly blocked out the fight with Thawne. The only things he could remember was going back in time.

Finally, Oliver stepped into the room. "Barry."

Those eyes found him in an instant. "Ollie."

The nickname made warmth swell in his chest. He'd longed to hear that name for hours. "How are you feeling?" He asked, stepping closer cautiously. He could almost feel the electricity buzzing around him as he neared the speedster.

"Like I got run over by a truck and then told to go run six thousand miles," Barry answered weakly, voice hoarse.

"How much do you remember of the last couple hours?" Oliver asked, now standing next to the speedster.

Barry moved a shoulder slightly. "I remember the time traveling and the singularity, but the fight with Thawne. Both of them, are misty to me."

"Interesting," Oliver said, taking hold of Barry's hand. "We'll get you home soon, Barry. Promise."

"Not here," Barry said firmly. "I need to go to Star City with you. Here isn't home. You're my home."

Oliver's lip curved into a smile as he leaned down, kissing Barry softly. "You're my home, too. Caitlin's going to come talk to you, then we'll see about getting you some food."




Hours later, Oliver helped Barry into the mansion. "Here we are."

After being discharged by Caitlin, who told him to rest, Barry had furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed reluctant to be around the team right now. He'd clung to Oliver on the way home after they dropped off Felicity and Diggle.

Barry's eyes were glazed as he sat down.

"Want to tell me what's bothering you?" Oliver asked, taking the speedster's hand again.

Barry's eyes flashed to him, hollow. "I don't really have much to say, Oliver."

"Then don't talk, just be here with me."

"I'll always run right into your arms, Ollie," Barry promised.

"I know."

Turned out that after Barry had accessed whatever he had with his powers, they were more in-tune with his emotions.

He'd had to watch his mother die, which had to be scarring, and he seemed so reluctant to trust anyone. He stayed close to Oliver, but was even distant with him.

After about a month of this, Oliver gave up.

"I need you to talk to me, Barry!" He exclaimed. He'd just walked in to see Barry silently crying, speed curling around him.

"There's nothing to talk about, Oliver!" Barry snapped. "I had to watch my mother die. The man I looked up to, turned out to be the one who killed her. I had to watch one my friends die—"

"You think I don't know how that feels?" Oliver said haughtily. "I watched Tommy die, Barry. I watched Slade stab my mother. I know how you feel."

"But you don't!" Barry snarled. "Everyone goes through something different. No one's emotions are the same. So why don't you shove off?"


"I know," he huffed. "I'm a jerk, whatever."

"Yeah, but you're my jerk," Oliver said, pulling him close.

"I thought you were supposed to be the stubborn, jerky one?" Barry whispered as he kissed Oliver.

"Don't talk if you don't want to, B. But when you want to, I'm here," Oliver assured him.

"I love you, Oliver Queen."

"I love you too, Barry Allen."


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