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Summary: Oliver finds out about Barry and his glee days on his birthday when he hires the warblers.


Three weeks ago:

Barry choked on his water, his speed flaring up in anxiousness. "I'm sorry?" He said, coughing. "You hired who?"

"The Warblers, for my birthday, that's who Felicity got," Oliver said calmly.

They stood in the Queen Mansion's kitchen.

Barry licked his lips, feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket, probably his friends from Dalton.

He had never mentioned to his boyfriend that he was captain of the Warblers, and that meant he was typically in those performances.

"Barry?" Oliver said concerned. "Are you okay?"

Barry nodded quietly. "Listen, I've got to go," he said. "I have some things to take care of, regarding your party."

"Oh, ok."

Barry tried to smile as he sped out of the Queen Mansion. What was he going to do?

Oliver circled his party in the town hall. He couldn't believe they'd allowed him to host it here, but it had perks, he guessed, being mayor.

They'd been really lucky.

Oliver saw his friends spread throughout the room; Sara, Kara, Felicity, to name a few. But he couldn't see Barry anywhere.

The speedster had been acting weird the past couple of weeks, always disappearing multiple times a day, being distant whenever Oliver tried to talk to him about it.

And Barry had seemed more tired lately, and he had lost some weight these past three weeks. Like, Oliver knew he had fast metabolism from his speed, but he shouldn't be burning more calories than just using his speed and walking around.

Barry had been more snarky lately, as well. He was very irritable, and at some points, rude af. Felicity had told him to relax on Barry because he'd been busy perfecting everything and more.

But it still didn't make sense where Barry was all the time.

"Hey, Oliver, the Warblers are about to start," Felicity said, touching his arm.

"Where's Barry, Fel?"  Oliver asked as they walked close to the stage.

Felicity shrugged. "I don't know. He said he had something to take care of."

The crowd gathered around so they could all see the stage.

Music started, and a lone figure was in the back of the shadows.


The light shined as the music spiked. Oliver felt his mouth drop.

Standing there under the light, a brilliant smirk on his face, Barry Allen was wearing the Warbler outfit.

"Did you know he was doing this?" Oliver whispered to Felicity, who shook her head.

Barry raised a hand toward one side of the stage and then the other, and the rest of the Warblers made their way out.


Five minutes later the performance was over, and Oliver and the gang were still pinching themselves.

Barry stood on the stage, breathing hard in their ending position. God, he hadn't danced like that in years. He nodded towards the manager off stage, who stalked out on stage. Barry scurried off of the stage with his friends. He quickly changed, and you know how fast quick is for him.

The manager pressed his earpiece, signaling Barry that it was time for him to come out on stage. Barry pulled his hair back into its signature look and straightened his regular suit jacket, laced with red and a hint of blue. His eyes narrowed slightly as he brought up a smirk on his face.

He nodded to Jeff and Trent, a silent 'thank you' on his lips. "Please welcome, the captain of the Warblers himself, Sebastian Smythe!"

Barry ran out onto the stage as applause erupted in the air. He could feel the lightning surging off his body, but as he checked, it wasn't there. The manager, whose name Barry kept forgetting, handed him a microphone. He thought it was John, but honestly, he didn't want to guess. The manager left the stage.

"How is everyone?" He questioned, his tone smooth. Everyone cheered as he continued to smile.

He saw Oliver staring at him with a look of absolute shock and anger.

"So, most of you know me as Barry Allen, but there are people here tonight who also know be by another name," He remarked as he strode across the stage. "And that name is Sebastian Smythe, captain of the Warblers."

Cheers went up again.

"You know," Barry continued. "Since I was captain of the Warblers in high school, does that make me cooler? No, I can't exactly put that on a job application, and be like, 'I sang, so I'm better than you.' Yeah, no crap, Sherlock. When my old pals told me they were restarting the group as entertainers, I said hell to the no. That's an inside joke," he added. He gripped the microphone tighter. "I'm not here just to make you guys laugh, I'm here because a very special person in my life is celebrating today."

Everyone's gazes turned to Oliver.

"That person is one of the most honest, stubborn," He laughed. "hot, caring, and loyal people that I have ever met. So, Ollie," he purred, his voice low. "Why don't you come on up here?"

Oliver blushed as he made his way onto the stage.

"Happy birthday, Oliver," He chuckled. "I love you more than anyone in this world, and to celebrate, I'd thought of something unique." He grabbed something out of his pocket. "I gave you a performance, something I've known you've always wanted from me. But, I have one last gift for you. Are you ready?" He queried.

Oliver tilted his head in response.

"Okay, close your eyes," Barry instructed.

Oliver did as he asked.


Once Oliver had closed his eyes, he waited. It felt like an eternity.

Cheers went up, louder than ever.

Slowly, Oliver opened his eyes.

Barry Allen was below him on one knee, holding open a box with a ring in it.

Oliver covered his mouth. "Barry.."

Barry licked his lips. "I know you're not much for touchy-feely stuff, so I'll make it quick," he promised. "Since I met you, you have inspired me, taught me, challenged me. I try to make the world a better place every day for you and for the people I love. Five years ago, I met you. You changed my life, Ollie," He choked out. "And for now until forever, I will love you. I'm doing this tonight because the song I just sang and rehearsed for three weeks reminded me of you. Not just you, but the love I have for you. So, Oliver Jonas Queen, will you marry me?"

Oliver's smile was bigger than light as he pulled Barry up. He grabbed the ring and slid it onto his finger. "Yes, a million times over." He grabbed Barry and kissed him, more passionately and stronger than ever.

They touched their heads together.

This was the best birthday Oliver had ever had.


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