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Barry continued to stare at Oliver. "Please, elaborate, Arrow," Barry snapped finally, crossing his arms.

Oliver let out a sigh, watching Barry's face. "I'm not going to let you do this when you're not able to fight. Just because you have super speed doesn't mean you can become a hero on a whim."

Barry's face hardened, his lips thinning into a straight line as he ran his hand through his brown hair. "And you're such a hero yourself?" He asked. "So not cool," he muttered, his eyebrows furrowing. He sped away just then, leaving Oliver feeling like a jerk.

He'd only done it because he liked and cared about Barry and didn't want to see him hurt. Could you have said that it was a crush? Yes, you could. Oliver had to find a way to stop Barry from doing this without revealing his own feelings.

"Bit harsh," Felicity muttered on comms.

Oliver shot an arrow, jumping off the roof. "You realize that this is an open comms line, correct?" He asked her, maneuvering.

"And do you realize that you're such a douche?" Felicity clapped back. "The guy's literally just woke up, and he chose to come see you, which he certainly did not have to do, by the way." she breathed in as she continued to scan the city for any crimes. "He was inspired by you to be a hero."

"He. Can't. Fight!" Oliver bit out, landing into an alleyway. "I'm not going to let him run around and play hero, especially when he can't defend himself." He heard sirens echoing out side the alley. "I don't want that kind of blood on his hands. He could get killed or get person a person killed. He has to deal with that."

"Whatever you say, Oliver," Felicity relented.


Eight weeks later:

Oliver and the team had followed a lead on their villain of the week to Central City. They had three goals here.

One, Felicity planned to have the DNA from the Canary's murder run at Star Labs.

Two, they wanted to find out about their lead.

And three, Oliver wanted to reconcile with Barry.

Oliver had heard about Barry's recent escapade. It seemed the guy had taken to Oliver's words because he was learning to fight. Security footage had been shown on the news.

The speedster was still learning, but he was plenty good. He cased environments, crunched the numbers, everything.

And then they ran into each other when Oliver was en route to his lead.

Barry was suddenly running next to Oliver, who was on his motorcycle. Barry got Oliver to pull off, and Oliver couldn't lie; he was kinda glad Barry had stopped him. He'd felt bad for weeks about what he'd said.

They had pulled off into a secluded field.

Barry pulled back his cowl, his lips in a frown. The rest of his face showed no emotion. "What are you doing here?" He asked coldly. "Don't you have enough to do in Star City already? Could you not accept that I did this escapade anyway?"

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