The Visit &The Rumor

Start from the beginning

"Lucy what's wrong?" he said placing a hand on my shoulder but I immediately smacked his hand off making him shocked and confused.

"J-just go..." I mumbled, my fringe covering my eyes.Through my hair I could see Midnight slowly getting up from his kneeling position and making his way out of my room.I.felt.horrible.

Why was I so mean just there? it was clearly just a dream, well I hope it is.I don't want to be betrayed like that.I sighed and looked over at my small alarm clock.

6:58 am

I wiped the tears off from the sleeve of my shirt and I hesitantly sat up, crossing my legs together.I looked over at Angel's empty bed and pouted. I remember now, she went home with her boyfriend.

I giggled at put my hand over my mouth. My discrete giggling was interrupted by the beeping of my communications lacrima and I sighed.

The lacrima is all the way downstairs.Quickly I ran through my open door and fled down the stairs into the kitchen.I expected to see Midnight sitting on the counter sipping coffee but he wasn't...something is seriously wrong then.

I see the golden Lacrima beeping and vibrating, on the screen it has a picture of Master Makarov.I sigh once again,What would he want so early in the morning?

Quickly I press the Lacrima and Gramps is there smiling."Lucy, how are you?" he said, his eyes looking down at my stomach making me confused.

"Tired"I mumbled and he laughed."I was expecting you would say that"He said scratching the back of his neck.

"What do you want Gramps?" I said while yawing and failing to raise an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to remind you that Lahar and Doranbolt will be visiting you today at 11 am"He said and my eyes widened, all my tiredness just disappeared in an instant.

"WHAT!" Oh no, I have to clean the house, have a shower, my criminals need a shower and I also need to make a meal for everyone.

This is too much stress for one morning.

Without saying goodbye, I turned off the lacrima and ran upstairs using speed magic. Gramps could have warmed me yesterday that two members of the council are coming to my house.

I ran into the boys room and seen that everyone except Midnight, who was already awake and sitting cross-legged on his bed. I grinned evilly and I walked over towards the light switch and flicked the switch, making everyone groan.

"Rise and shine ladies, the council is coming at 11" I said while pulling Racer's covers off of him making him whine.He looked up at me and I froze.

"Has she always been this weak?" Racer chuckled.I shook my head and kept telling myself that it was a dream, they would never really hurt me, hopefully.

"Why~" he whined trying to get his covers back but they were already discarded.Racer then pouted and finally got up out of bed, making his way downstairs to make himself breakfast.

I then walked over past an awake Hoteye and over to Cobra, who was still sleeping soundly."Get up you perv" I mumbled.

He groaned and turned his head towards me making me once again freeze.

"Pathetic" Cobra sneered, giving me countless kicks until I started coughing up blood.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking about the dream again.You just have to forget about it Lucy, be calm.

Cobra turned over so he wasn't facing me and uttered some curse words that I wouldn't want to repeat...

"Cobra, get up and take a shower" I said, shaking him until he sat up straight with the biggest frown on his face.

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